Cue the sunglasses and the rap music

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The elevator dinged and the Avengers all looked at it expectantly, to any normal person it would look like the Avengers were anticipating some attack coming towards them. ( without any fear of course)

But what came out of the elevator was really the opposite.

A curly brown haired boy with a cheeky smile came out of the elevator. Natasha ( with her spidermom senses and all that) could tell it was a show, she knew he was hidding something before he even spoke a word.

It just felt.... off.

Then she noticed his hood was on, he usually took his hood off when he came inside.

" Hi guys!" Peter waved. He tried to walk but very visibly stumbled.

" you good pete?" Tony asked raising a eyebrow. " I'm fineeeee Mr. Stark tony!" Peter said as he wobbled to the counter.

Something in his voice also sounded off, it was too happy. Like when you can tell a persons drunk because they are just so high, and their voice is more squeaky.

" why are you acting weird?" Clint asked turning to face peter from his position on the couch.

" Hm?" Peter asked looking up from the floor.
" oh hey everyone!" Peter gave a big wave to them.

Nat and tony exchanged a look, then tony turned back to the kid and raised a eyebrow questioningly.

" peter what's on your forehead? Take your hood off" Clint said.

" oh it's nothing peter swatted a hand in the air which made him fall face first to the floor. Then he wobbly got up and looked at everybody.

" oh hey everyone!" Peter said once he stood up and leaned on the counter once again. " fuck  me what's going with him?" Tony sort of whispered, but loud enough for peter to hear

" wasn't that peppers job?" Peter asked raising a eyebrow. Tony made the most weirdest face. Crossed between sorta angry confused and just what the hecc.

" if you weren't visibly stumbling and hard to maintain your balance I would slap you" tony said kind of teasingly but serious.

Peters face turned into one of sadness " but I don't wanna get slaaaapeeddd" peter whined.

Tony facepalmed " obviously I'm not going to because your going to tell us what's going on with you. You better NOT be drunk"

" drunk? HHhahahahhaha me? Nahhh I'm as fine as a rooster on a on top of a spheres head with pickles!" Peter said getting more cheery at the end.

" he's drunk" Clint confirmed.
" HAHHAHAHAH me? Drunk? NEVAAAA!.........I like peas" peter said casually flailing his arms around.

" what am I going to do with you kid?" Tony sighed. " After this your getting a serious lecture about drinking under age"

" he's been bullied" Nat casually spoke up from her corner on the couch. " don't be a bully! Bully's are bad! N-no n-no! NO BULLYS!!"
Peter rapped. He was no dancing around the living room.

" How do you know this Nat?" Tony asked turning to Nat.

" I'm a assassin what do you expect?!" Nat sassily said.

" OOF! Big burn! Cue the sunglasses and rap music!!" Peter said from the ceiling.

Suddenly rap music was playing while peter was randomly dancing from the ceiling and singing.

" I like PEAS! I like DEZE NUTS that's a old meme but I DONT CAREEE!!! YA YEEEEET!"
Suddenly he jumped down from the ceiling landing face first on his stomach on the ground.

All the Avengers just stared stared at peter to see if he would get up, not gonna lie that looked pretty painful.

Peter suddenly shot up and yelled " WORTH IT!!"

After peter healed and got some rest they all had a serious discussion about bullies and why he didn't tell them about it.

Ya idk what that was don't ask.





" WhAt dEm FrIeD pOtAtOs?" 🥔

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