Raised in Hydra ( part two)

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Peter was in his cell bored out of his mind, when he heard two men whispering. Good thing he had enhanced hearing.

" He was our number one souldier" a man said. " he was taken by Rodgers he restored his memeory." The other man replied.

" do we get him back?"
" No, Bucky is to strong there would be no point."
" what do we do?"
" train the kid"

Bucky was gone? Peter was glad he had escaped, but how was peter going to survive without Bucky? He had nobody to talk to now. He was all alone in this abusive prison.

Peter was snapped out of his thoughts when a man came towards him and dragged him out of  the cell.

Peter was screaming. They were hurting him, torchering him. Training him beyound his limits, it hurt. But he wasn't allowed to stop.


Bucky was at stark tower medical room, healing.

It had been two days since Steve helped him escape from Hydra, then Bucky got the most horrible thought.

What about peter? What were they doing to him? He had seen how Hydra treated peter, they had even torchered him on many occasions.

He needed to get peter. Bucky started to get up, it hurt to even move. " woah..Bucky where do you think your going?" Steve asked pushing his friend back down on the bed.

" B-back to Hydra" Bucky replied blankly not paying attention to Steve.

" wait what? Why?" Steve asked.

" T-To save.." " there's other people in Hydra?"
Steve cut Bucky off.

" N-no but.." " no no no there is no way I'm letting you go back there"

Days passed and Bucky searched for peter endlessly. The Avengers were very confused on what Bucky was trying to do.

But every time they questioned, he just ignored them.

Years passed, Bucky gave up. He didn't know what more he could do. The Avengers raided other Hydra bases. Bucky would come with them, even though Steve would always disagree with that.

Bucky never found peter. He had given up, he didn't want to but there was no sign of him.

Bucky still thought about peter a lot. What if they killed him? Or did he escape?

But what he didn't know that there was a new  crime fighting vigilante on the coast of queens.

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