Why me?

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Peter was English class when his phone went off, other students giving him sympathetic looks.

In English class if your phone went off you give it to the teacher, sometimes she would read your messages out loud and embarrass you.

Other teachers didn't mind they would just ask you to turn your phone off. And they didn't mind you having your phone.

But Mrs. White hated phones in her class. And today, she was feeling extra mean. ( dem ParkerLuck am I right?)

" Parker! You know the rules about phones in class. ANSWER IT!" Mrs.White demanded.

" A-Answer it?" Peter stuttered. He didn't have much to hide ( other then his alter ego) it was probably May, calling him about something embarrassing.

Peter looked at the caller ID


Was all that went through Peters mind.

" Parker! I said answer it"

Why me?

Peter thought. It was always him that had bad luck.Peter gulped and put his thumb on the answer button.

There was a muffle on the other end of the phone.

" Speaker peter" Mrs.White demanded. Peter sighed and hit the speaker button.

" Peter?!?! Can you hear me?!!" Tony was almost yelling.

" y-yes I can hear you" peter sighed.

The class hasn't figured it out that it was Tony yet, although his voice was kind of hard to miss.

" Good, Happys coming to pick you up right now" Tony said.

" why?"

" We have to go on a Mis-"

" Your on speaker!" Peter cut tony off before he said the word mission.

" you called me in the middle of class can I call you later?"  Peter asked not wanting this conversation to be happening right now.

" call me later? Ya no. We need you. And why am I on speaker?" Tony asked a little annoyed.

" I'm on the middle of class what do you expect? And why do you need me?" Peter asked . Couldn't the Avengers handle it without him?  Peter loved missions but now was not the time.

" is the teacher there?"

" y-yes"

" ok hand the phone over to her" Tony asked politely.

Mrs.White took a step forward and got the phone from peter.

" hello?" Mrs. White said.

" Hi,  I need peter to be dismissed from class right now" Tony demanded nicely.

" I'm afraid I was in the middle of a lesson, and a reason is needed for me to dismiss peter from class" The teacher argued back.

" I have a good enough reason and it is to personal to share, so to make things easier you will dismiss peter this second" Tony demanded.

" Look sir, whoever you are,you needed to have a valid reason for peter leaving class" Mrs.White said more nicely.

" WHOEVER I AM?!?!" Tony was getting upset now. " I am Tony Stark and I need you to dismiss peter this second. Don't. Make.this.harder." He growled.

" Parker really? Your actually going to hire someone to be Tony Stark so that you can continue to lie about your internship?" Mrs.White made a 'really' face.

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