Chapter 328 White Moonlight 103 (Memories II)

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    "In the future, the gang will be whitewashed, and the remaining power in the gang will be left to you. I can also take A Yan back to the country with peace of mind. I will leave this place to you."

    "This incident has taught me a lesson. A Yan needs to grow up in a normal and safe environment. This place is not suitable for her."

    "I will take A Yan back to the country. From now on, she will not be the daughter of a gang boss, and will no longer have anything to do with the gang."

    - "Then my engagement with A Yan -" "

    I adopted you at the beginning because I wanted someone to protect her when I was gone. But then I took her away, and your mission was completed."

    "She is my most precious daughter and will have a prominent family background. Do you think you are worthy of her? Put away those things that you shouldn't think about."

    "When I'm gone, the position of godfather will be your turn."

    - "I can retire for her! I can accompany her back to the country! I can do anything-"


    "My daughter must have the best in everything! The same goes for men. I will not let a man with blood on his hands and living in darkness become her husband!"

    "Some things, once stained black, can never go back. I know your feelings for Ah Yan, but she is a blank sheet of paper. Do you have the heart to taint her?"

    "You are a smart person and should know how to choose. Stay here, so that I can help you if I have any problems in the country in the future. Do you understand?"



    "Brother, will we live here together in the future?"

    "Ah? Why don't you come with us?"

    "I want to be with you..."

    "Will you come to see me often in the future?"

    "Brother, please don't leave, okay?"

    "Brother, you are lying! You obviously won't come to see me again! Liar! Liar!"

    "Didn't you say that you would always be with me in the future..."

    His brain was in a mess, and he seemed to have fallen into an endless nightmare again.

    In his memory, the most heartbreaking thing was the pair of hands that gradually let go of him.

    Looking at the pair of red and swollen tearful eyes, he still turned around and left resolutely.

    Leaving her was the thing he regretted most in his life.

    If I had known that this would be the ending...

    If I had known...


    Jun Yan looked at the man lying in the ICU through the glass. He was wearing a ventilator, sleeping palely and quietly.

    After a day and a night of rescue, he was finally safe and sound. The operation was successful, but he still needed to be observed.

    She stretched out her hand and traced his facial features through the glass.

    In fact, she hadn't seen him for a long time.

    When she was ten years old, she was kidnapped once. He saved her at the risk of his life.

    And because of the stimulation, her brain selectively forgot this memory.

    At the age of sixteen, she and her father returned to China.

    Since then, she lost him and never saw him again.

    At the age of twenty-six, she died.

    Ten years is enough for people to forget many things.

    For example, the carefree years of childhood, the girl's thoughts when she first fell in love, and his appearance.

    When she was young and impulsive, she burned all the things related to him, the gifts he gave her, and his photos. In the end, she didn't even have a thought for herself.

    She thought that her memory of him stopped at the age of sixteen.

    She didn't know why he left in the first place, nor did she know why he suddenly appeared beside her now.

    "It's always like this..." He

    can leave if he wants to, and stay if he wants to.



    drops of crystal tears fell.

    She hadn't closed her eyes for a day and a night, and her eyes were already red from staying up all night, but she didn't dare to leave.

    She was afraid that when she left and came back, he would be gone again.

    Just like before.

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