Chapter 343: Frozen Lover 8

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    Just when Helian Xiao was ashamed, he suddenly felt someone approaching. He looked up and saw his master stepping on the flying snowflakes with his toes.

    Jun Yan's ice spiritual root is a branch of the water spiritual root. It is the top spiritual root besides the chaos spiritual root. It is rare in the world. However, everything has two sides. Because it is too rare, there are very few exercises related to ice spiritual roots in the world. It can only rely on the cultivator's own enlightenment. It is even rarer to be able to cultivate to Jun Yan's level, control the snowflakes at will, and use all the ice and snow in the world for his own use.

    His master is probably the only one in the world.

    The woman was dressed in white, and from a distance she seemed to be integrated with the white snow.

    "Have you finished all the homework assigned by the teacher today?" Jun Yan landed slowly and asked about the homework.

    "Well, I've been delayed for a while today. I'll start practicing now..." Helian Xiao didn't dare to tell Jun Yan about the conversation he had just had with Lian Qiao. His master was very sharp-eyed and sharp-eared. If she wanted, she would know everything he and Lian Qiao did.

    Thinking of this, Helian Xiao's heart tightened. He couldn't help but become more nervous. He didn't dare to look up at his master, for fear that she would discover the dirty things in his heart.

    Jun Yan didn't seem to notice Helian Xiao's abnormality. He turned his white hand and took out two strings of candied haws from his sleeve.

    She handed the candied haws to Helian Xiao and said in a gentle voice, "This is the little treat your uncle Xuan Ji brought back when he went down the mountain. Although those who practice Taoism have long been fasting and stay away from these worldly things, your sister likes it very much. You and Lian Qiao are about the same age, so you must have the mentality of a child. So I, your teacher, had the audacity to ask your uncle Xuan Ji for an extra string. You can give this string of candied haws to your sister."

    Helian Xiao looked at the two strings of bright red candied haws in his master's hand. Snowflakes were falling all over the sky, but they avoided the two strings of candied haws, so that they were not contaminated by the ice and snow. He was a little flattered.

    He didn't know how many years he hadn't eaten the things that the child liked. When the master brought candied haws for his sister, he never forgot to give him a portion. Helian Xiao felt warm in his heart, and carefully took the candied haws from Jun Yan's hand, "Thank you, master."

    But before he could be happy, Helian Xiao's heart suddenly sank. This candied haws was only loved by children of four or five years old. In the human world, young men of his age would have already started a family and a career, or fought in armor on the battlefield, so how could they eat this candied haws that made people laugh.

    The master really still treated him as a child, but he was really young in the eyes of the master who was hundreds of years old. The life span of cultivators was long, and there was no difference between a teenager and a baby in swaddling clothes.

    Subconsciously, Helian Xiao didn't want to be treated as a child by his master, so he said, "This candied haws is loved by children of three or four years old. I don't like to eat these little things. I will send it to my senior sister's cave with a message talisman."

    Because Lian Qiao was too eager for quick success, Helian Xiao became more disgusted with her and didn't want to have any contact with her.

    Jun Yan had no objection. She nodded and took out a jade slip and handed it to Helian Xiao, "The sect competition will be held in a month. I have registered you and my senior sister. Here are the rules of the competition. You are a newcomer, so you need to take a closer look. You have already broken through the golden elixir so early, I think you can win the first place in the competition. Don't let me down."

    The sect competition is an annual meeting in Lingyun Sect. All disciples under the age of fifty in the sect can sign up to participate and compete in fairy magic. The final winner will receive the sect's preparations.

The generous rewards are intended to encourage disciples to practice and improve their cultivation.

    In Lingyun Sect, there are few young people who can break through the golden elixir, and there is no one like Helian Xiao who can form a golden elixir at the age of 18. Even the leader of Lingyun Sect was only able to form a golden elixir at the age of 20.

    Therefore, this sect competition should not be difficult for Helian Xiao.

    "Yes, disciple will obey the master's order." Helian Xiao took the jade slip from Jun Yan's hand and bowed his head respectfully.

    Jun Yan patted his shoulder encouragingly. When he was closer, Helian Xiao could easily smell the faint cold fragrance on his master, which was exactly the same as the fragrance that comforted him when he fell into a nightmare before.

    Helian Xiao restrained himself from sniffing the faint cold fragrance, not daring to let his master notice his overstepping behavior.


    "System, are you sure the hero is okay? Why didn't he react to anything I did?" Lian Qiao asked the system anxiously. On the system display screen in front of her, the progress of the task was decreasing instead of increasing.

    She racked her brains to understand what went wrong. In the original work, the hero was still a poor little man oppressed by his master!

    After the sound of electricity in her mind, the cold mechanical sound rang out, [According to the system detection, because of the host's behavior just now, the hero's favorability towards the NPC character, Jun Yan, has increased. ]

    "What?!" Lian Qiao couldn't help but screamed when she heard it. Why did the hero's favorability towards her increase when she exposed Jun Yan's behavior? !

    [After the system review, it should be that the host chose the wrong time. Pulling data to select two plans for the host, one, wait for Jun Yan to use Helian Xiao as a furnace, absorb yang and replenish yin, and then attack the frustrated hero. Second, let the hero's cultivation level regress, so as to find the hero's mental trough to attack. 】

    【The system recommends that the host carry out the task according to plan two. Plan one is uncontrollable. If Helian Xiao has too high a favorable impression of Jun Yan due to the host's behavior, there will be a risk of failure. Please make your own decision. 】

    After all, she still has to go with the original plan!

    When the male protagonist is frustrated, appear beside him to warm him up, and this time she has to go after the bad guy.

    Lian Qiao listened to the plan two that the system said in her mind, with a gleam in her eyes, and she recalled the previous ridicule of the male protagonist.

    She has nothing else but to hold a grudge. The male protagonist actually dared to laugh at her like that. He really doesn't know how to live or die!

    "In this case, let's choose plan two. The sect competition will be held in a while. At that time, I will find a way to make him crippled in the competition, and smash his spirit bones when Jun Yan is not around! By then, no one can save him except me!" Lian

    Qiao's lips curled up slightly, and the words she said lightly were cruel and indifferent to life.

    To her, this was just a world in a book. Everything was predetermined. Except for her, the chosen one, everyone else was just like an NPC in a game. Even if she killed someone here, she wouldn't feel anything.

    After all, who would care if you killed an NPC in a game?

    Lian Qiao had a vague feeling that she should be able to break through the Golden Core Stage in the next few days. By then, she would successfully form a pill, but Helian Xiao would fall from the clouds to the bottom of the mud again. Without her charity, she wanted to see how Helian Xiao would struggle and survive.

The male lead is coming to the bowl(PART 3)Where stories live. Discover now