Chapter 323 White Moonlight 95

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    The pussy contracted violently, and the fingers moved in and out faster and faster, and finally a stream of transparent juice splashed out, bringing out the white turbidity that was shot into the body.

    "Woo-ah-haah...ah brother..."

    With a scream from the woman, she squirted with her fingers.

    Jun Yan panted and collapsed on the bed, his body spasming with the intense climax, a large amount of pussy juice kept pouring out of his lower body, and a thin layer of sweat was oozing out of his whole body.


    Even though he had reached the climax, the emptiness seemed to come from the soul and could not be filled by pure sexual desire. The

    delicate body that had just climaxed was still trembling slightly. She curled up into a ball, the grievance and loneliness in her heart burst out, hugged her naked body, and sobbed softly. The

    woman's low sobs rang in the room. She hunched over, her body covered with mottled kiss marks, and shook from time to time with crying.

    After an unknown amount of time, she cried until she was a little confused. In a state of half-sleep and half-wakefulness, she felt someone covering her naked body. She sighed, "Why are you still so fond of crying?"

    Her eyelashes trembled slightly, and she opened her eyes as if she had sensed something. The man lifted her chin and gently tried to kiss away the tears on her face, but Jun Yan quickly woke up and pushed him away.

    "What are you doing?" She wrapped the quilt tightly, looking at him with indifference and disgust.

    Just now, Yu Chenbi got up early to make breakfast for her, and when he returned to the room, he saw her curled up in bed crying. Her suppressed sobs contained an inexplicable sadness, and Yu Chenbi's heart was unconsciously tightened.

    Even he himself did not realize where he said "still so fond of crying" from, but just blurted it out subconsciously.

    A fine and dense sourness and pain surged into his heart, a feeling that Yu Chenbi had never experienced in his short life.

    Looking at her tear-stained face, the crystal tears seemed to hit his heart, causing burning pain in his chest.

    This kind of feeling was very familiar, as if he had been heartbroken for her thousands of times.

    He wanted to hold her tightly in his arms, and he wanted to say something to her urgently.

    But his thoughts were interrupted here. He always felt that he seemed to have forgotten something, and even if he tried hard to recall it, it was in vain.

    What should he say to her?

    He didn't know, so the surging love in his heart, like a surging tide, was suppressed by him and turned into a sentence, "I made breakfast, eat some?"

    Yu Chenbi raised his hand to touch her head, but Jun Yan dodged sharply, "Get out!"

    "I know that after I did this, you will never forgive me again, but give me a chance to make up for it, okay? Whatever you want me to do, I will satisfy you, okay?"

    "I want you to die!" Jun Yan looked up, tears in her eyes, but even through the hazy tears, the hatred in her eyes was still deep.

    Yu Chenbi choked, he was not surprised, he even felt a little relieved, this world had disgusted him to the core, originally the only value of his life was revenge, hatred was his motivation.

    And she was the only light that suddenly broke into his dark world.

    Struggling in the quagmire, he greedily and meanly wanted to grab this bit of warmth that did not belong to him, selfishly wanted her to belong to him alone.

    So he messed everything up in the most extreme way.

    He wanted to lock her by his side forever, so that she would only look at him forever.


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