Chapter 327 White Moonlight 98

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    As for Father Lu, he originally wanted to play the family card with Yu Chenbi, hoping that Yu Chenbi would show mercy to him because he was his biological father.

    However, it would have been better if he didn't say it. Saying so is simply courting death.

    In recent years, Father Lu has had money and has played with women outside, even underage ones.

    Yu Chenbi easily found evidence of Father Lu's rape of minors and sent the father and son to prison.

    Not long after, Lu Yu's leg was broken in prison.

    As for Father Lu, his cellmates learned that he was in prison for rape, and they didn't treat him politely. Soon his anus was broken, and he was hospitalized several times. In the end, he even suffered a lifelong disability and had to use an artificial anus to maintain his life.


    On this day, after many days, Yu Chenbi returned to the villa again.

    He was wearing a neat suit and looked like he had just finished a meeting and came here.

    His short hair was neatly combed behind his head, and his eyes, which were always affectionate, were now a little sharper and colder.

    Compared with his previous harmless disguise, he finally showed his fangs.

    "What are you doing here?" Jun Yan didn't want to see him at all.

    "Things are almost done, I came to see you."

    Yu Chenbi's expression was gentle, and he stretched out his hand to hold her hair that fell on her temples, but Jun Yan dodged him with disgust.

    "When will you let me go?" Jun Yan had nothing to say to him except asking when he could leave.

    "Soon, wait for me, it's not safe for you to go out now." Yu Chenbi sat next to Jun Yan, with one hand on the chair behind her. This possessive posture seemed to hold her whole body in his arms.

    Jun Yan was very disgusted and wanted to make a sarcastic remark.

    At this moment, the maid brought a cup of coffee and placed it in front of Yu Chenbi, then lowered her head and retreated.

    Jun Yan glanced at the maid whose face she couldn't see clearly, and felt something was wrong. Seeing that the maid was about to go out, she called her, "Wait a minute!"

    The maid paused, but didn't turn around. She just asked softly, "Miss Jun, is there anything else you need?"

    "Turn around, let me see." Jun Yan had a bad feeling in her heart. The maid hadn't looked up just now, but she gave her a sense of familiarity.

    Hearing this, the maid slowly turned around, walked a few steps closer, and then slowly looked up. Just when Jun Yan wanted to see her face clearly, the maid suddenly grabbed Jun Yan's neck at lightning speed, and then there was the sound of a bullet being loaded, and a cold and hard object pressed against Jun Yan's temples -

    something unexpected happened, and no one, whether it was Yu Chenbi or Jun Yan, had expected it.

    Yu Chenbi reacted quickly, and stepped forward to snatch the gun from the other party, but was stopped by the woman, "Don't move!"

    Seeing this, the other servants in the villa were all shocked, and hurriedly wanted to sneak out to call the police, but were stopped by Ji Jiaojiao, "No one is allowed to move! Otherwise I will kill her!"

    Everyone was frightened by this scene, and they all stood where they were, not daring to act rashly.

    However, it was at this time that Yu Chenbi saw clearly that the person holding Jun Yan hostage was Ji Jiaojiao, who had not been seen for a long time.

    His face turned cold, "It's you."

    "Yes, it's me, are you surprised?"

    Ji Jiaojiao's voice was cold and sharp. She hugged Jun Yan with such force that it seemed as if she was going to break her neck.

    Jun Yan couldn't breathe, and her little face turned red. She tried her best to grab Ji Jiaojiao's arm with her hands, but because she was held hostage from behind, she couldn't use any strength at all.


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