Chapter 351: Frozen Lover 16

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    "Lian Qiao has such an opportunity because of her good fortune. You don't need to worry about it. If anyone dares to covet the spiritual weapon of my disciple, please ask the Ice Spirit Pearl in my hand first."

    After speaking, Jun Yan's hand suddenly lit up with white light, and an ice-blue sphere appeared out of thin air, circling rhythmically between the slender white fingers. The bead was surrounded by a cold white air, and its brilliance was terrifying.

    The moment the Ice Spirit Pearl appeared, the temperature of the huge martial arts field dropped sharply, and frost began to form on the ground, gradually spreading outward with the viewing platform as the center.

    Soon, the white frost covered the entire martial arts field, and snowflakes even floated in the blue sky.

    Jun Yan was able to create such a scene by just showing off the Ice Spirit Pearl. Compared with Helian Xiao's ice dragon and ice blade just now, it was just a show of skill before an expert.

    Some disciples with shallow cultivation could not stand the oppressive low temperature and shivered. The hot air exhaled by everyone was frozen into ice slag in an instant.

    Seeing this, the faces of several peak masters all changed when they looked at Jun Yan. Xuan Shuang had been in seclusion fifty years ago, and she was in the fusion stage after coming out of seclusion. Now it seems that she is going to make another step forward?

    "Xuan Shuang, why are you still so serious after so many years? Xuan Ji and the other two were just joking with you, why do you take it seriously?" Ling Hong, the leader of Lingyun Sect, hurriedly said with a smile.

    "I have been in Lingyun Sect for two hundred years. I think you all know my temper. Let's not joke with you in the future." Jun Yan said coldly, and then he put away the ice spirit bead in his hand. The cold air dissipated, and the frost covering the martial arts field also disappeared in an instant.

    The disciples only felt that the heavy pressure was removed, and their bodies suddenly lightened. They looked in the direction of Xuan Shuang Zhenren on the viewing platform, with respect and fear.

    Jun Yan made such a fuss, and the peak masters and elders in the sect were all well-known figures in the underworld. They didn't want to really fall out with Jun Yan for a heaven-level magic weapon, so they gave up.

    On the competition stage, although Lian Qiao blocked Helian Xiao's attack, activating the heaven-level magic weapon also exhausted all her spiritual power. She was no longer able to fight and surrendered immediately. Helian Xiao lost the opportunity to kill again.

    He raised his eyes and looked at the obscure eyes on the observation deck -

    just now, he did not miss the friction between Jun Yan and other peak masters.

    Helian Xiao sneered in his heart. After so many years, these people still did not change their plundering nature. This sect has been rotten from top to bottom.

    The greed in their eyes is like poison, which makes Helian Xiao constantly recall those unbearable pasts and corrode his already broken heart.

    And his master is clearly building momentum for Lian Qiao.

    Lian Qiao is protected by Xuan Shuang Zhenren. Even if she has a treasure, others dare not offend Xuan Shuang Zhenren, so she can be safe.

    Thinking of this, Helian Xiao was filled with grief and anger.

    At the beginning, his whole family was destroyed, wasn't it because the treasure in the sect was coveted by the villains?

    Why didn't the master stop them at the beginning?

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