Chapter 336: Frozen Lover 1

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    Jun Yan finally won the Best Actress Award at the Golden Film Awards for her role as Liu Yun in the movie "The Knight-errant", becoming the youngest Grand Slam actress in China.

    Yu Chenbi retired from the entertainment industry after filming this movie. His purpose in entering the entertainment industry was revenge. Now that everything has settled, he has retreated behind the scenes, inherited all the assets of the Yu family, and brought his mother's tablet back to the old house of the Yu family. "The

    Knight-errant" has also become the only screen masterpiece in which he and Jun Yan appeared in the same frame. Many viewers feel sorry for the unrequited love of Long Hao in the movie, but the two of them have achieved a positive result outside the play, which is better than the movie. When

    Jun Yan was 30 years old, the two finally got married and entered the marriage hall. As a national-level actress, Jun Yan topped the hot search list on the day of her wedding and stayed on the hot search for several days. At the same time, she received many blessings from fans and passers-by.

    Ji Jiaojiao, who was in prison, looked at Jun Yan on the TV screen. She was wearing a wedding dress and a diamond crown. She was as beautiful as a goddess descending to earth. She walked towards the handsome man in front of her step by step, towards her other life.

    Ji Jiaojiao always felt that things shouldn't be like this. Wasn't she the heroine?

    It shouldn't be like this...

    With a "snap", her back was suddenly whipped hard. The burning pain interrupted her sudden thoughts. The warden scolded her with a whip and beat her back to reality-

    "Eat quickly! Don't waste time dawdling!"


    Jun Yan spent a happy life in this world. Yu Chenbi's possessiveness of her reached a somewhat paranoid point. He was always afraid that she would leave at any time, even if Jun Yan reiterated to him again and again that she loved him.

    But he didn't dare to believe it anyway. He always felt that Jun Yan loved someone else, and secretly competed with that stranger, which made Jun Yan laugh and cry.

    Until his death, he held Jun Yan's hand tightly and asked her to say that she loved him again. When he got Jun Yan's affirmative answer, he closed his eyes contentedly and died suddenly.

    And Jun Yan also closed his eyes and died immediately after his death.

    At the same time, in the laboratory, the naked man on the instrument woke up.

    The originally busy laboratory, now there was no researcher. The cold and large laboratory seemed particularly empty. Only a man's confidant was guarding beside him, waiting for him to wake up at any time.

    The subordinate handed him the clothes that had been prepared long ago. While the man was getting dressed, he leaned forward and whispered in the man's ear.

    However, in an instant, the aura around the man suddenly turned cold. His expression did not change, but the pair of black pupils that were always calm all day long radiated scarlet murderous intent, which made the subordinates beside him shudder unconsciously.

    "Where is the person?"

    His voice was dry and hoarse, and no emotion could be heard. However, the confidant who had followed him for many years understood that this was a precursor to the man's killing spree.

    "It's under control, on the second underground floor."

    The man put on his clothes and buttoned his shirt casually, revealing a few tattoos on his chest.

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