Chapter 346: Frozen Lover 11

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    The woman's clear and ethereal voice awakened Helian Xiao from his confused thoughts. Helian Xiao came back to his senses and saw that the master who had just been charming and flirting with him was now frowning and looking at him with an indifferent expression.

    The pair of clear and bright phoenix eyes looked at him steadily, and they were completely different from the charming and seductive beauty in the dream.

    It turned out to be a dream...

    Helian Xiao felt a little lost in his heart.

    "Ah Xiao, have you ever listened to what your master said?" Jun Yan's light voice sounded again.

    "Master... Master..." Helian Xiao suddenly woke up. He was actually in a dream just now, and he had a crush on his master!

    "People who practice Taoism should avoid having distracting thoughts. You have not yet abandoned your desires. Your master knows that you are still young, and it is human nature. But remember to cultivate your mind. The only way to practice Taoism is to get rid of distracting thoughts and practice hard, so that you can go far." Jun Yan glanced at his wet crotch, his face did not change, and he scolded him lightly, but he did not punish him.

    The boy's face immediately flushed red, his heart pounding wildly, fearing that his master would see through his inner delusions. He frantically pinched a cleansing technique to remove the dirt in his crotch, stood up and said to his master with a low eyebrow: "Disciple will follow the master's teachings, and must abandon distracting thoughts and cultivate his body and mind."

    "Master sees that you are absent-minded today. Forcing yourself to practice will be counterproductive. You go back and rest for half a day. Tomorrow, Master will teach you the second style of Bingpo Jue."

    "Yes, disciple, take your leave." Helian Xiao lowered his head in shame, and dared not look up at his master again. After paying respects, he fled.

    Helian Xiao couldn't believe that he had such dirty thoughts about his master whom he had always admired while practicing.

    Fortunately, the master didn't know what he was thinking, otherwise he would definitely regret saving him!

    Helian Xiao didn't realize that his thoughts had unconsciously changed from spitting on himself to being glad that his master didn't know about his blasphemy.

    It seemed that as long as the master didn't know, he could continue to cover up the filth and dirtiness in his heart and continue to be a well-behaved and harmless apprentice in front of the master.

    Helian Xiao hated himself very much, but every time he recalled the master in his dream, naked, lying quietly in the snow, opening his beautiful body to him, and looking at him seductively, the boy's lower body would unconsciously stand up. There was

    even some faint regret in his heart that he couldn't do it to the end in his sleep...

    However, this dirty thought was overturned by his upright self not long after. The master was his savior and had a grace to rebirth him. How could he be so rude to the master? !

    As his mind was pulling, the days passed.

    The day of the sect competition was coming.

    During this period, Lian Qiao retreated for several days, and finally broke through the bottleneck before the sect competition, and formed a pill in one fell swoop.

    On that day, the news that Lian Qiao had formed a pill spread throughout the Lingyun Sect like wings, and the whole sect was in an uproar.

    Some people sighed that Xuanshuang had taught well. Both of his disciples were extremely talented. Bixiao had reached the Golden Core stage at the age of 18, which was rare. Lianqiao was even more amazing. At the tender age of 16, he had already entered the Golden Core stage. It was true that the young were to be feared.

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