Chapter 356: Frozen Lover 21

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    Helian Xiao's eyes were red, and he was filled with hatred. However, his low strength was like a rope that bound him tightly, making him unable to move, let alone protect his master behind him.

    He watched the soul-devouring whip swinging again and again, making a heart-pounding sound of breaking through the air, and then lashing hard at his master's thin and slender spine. The woman always stood straight, and her back didn't even bend at all.

    Suddenly, a dense pain like a needle spread in his heart. He had never been so eager to become stronger as at this moment.

    Become stronger...

    He must become stronger...

    He only has his master, he can't lose her again, only by becoming strong enough can he protect his master...

    Helian Xiao stared at his master's thin figure with a pair of bloodshot eyes. The soul-devouring whip broke through the aura protecting his body and whipped on the invulnerable treasure clothes. There was a faint blood seepage. Helian Xiao's heart trembled. Although he knew that the soul-devouring whip posed no threat to his master, he saw his master injured for him at this time, and regret surged up in an instant.

    Knowing that it was like an ant trying to shake a tree to go against Lingyun Sect at this time, he could clearly endure it. If he had endured a little more, his master would not have suffered such humiliation...

    His ears were filled with the whispers of the sect disciples, either discussing his overestimation of his own abilities, or speculating whether he and his master really had an affair.

    Ling Hong and the elders looked at Jun Yan with mockery and indifference. The

    young man scanned the ugly faces of these people one by one, and engraved everything into his bones. He stared at the bleeding back of his master, his eyes almost weeping blood. He would not escape, he would remember today's hatred and humiliation.

    He had had enough of this kind of life where he was at the mercy of others!

    One day, he would drag these self-righteous and innocent people down from the clouds, and let them taste the taste of being slaughtered by others! With a

    heart full of hatred, Helian Xiao felt faintly that there was a fierce and cold breath in his body that was rampant uncontrollably, but the immortal rope locked his spiritual energy, and even the less obvious hostility was suppressed. After

    Jun Yan received the punishment of a thousand whips, the robes that were originally shining with a bright gem had already been tattered, and there were mottled and blurred bloodstains on the back, which was shocking.

    Since Jun Yan had been punished for Helian Xiao, even if Ling Hong was unwilling, he could only let Helian Xiao go. He just warned him and left.

    The immortal rope was removed, Helian Xiao rushed forward impatiently, supported Jun Yan, and said in a trembling voice: "Master!"

    Jun Yan's face was indifferent, as if the wound on her back was not a big deal to her. She shook her head at Helian Xiao, indicating that she was fine.

    At this time, many disciples of the sect had not yet dispersed, and the two of them were not in a position to talk much. Jun Yan took Helian Xiao and flashed away, disappearing from the spot like smoke.

    Back at Lingshuang Peak, Helian Xiao couldn't wait to help Jun Yan treat the wound. The bright blood soaked the white clothes, and the blood lotus bloomed on the white, and the strong smell of blood spread.

    Watching the master being tortured for him and being seriously injured, Helian Xiao felt anxious and painful in his heart, and wished he could take his place.

    He gritted his teeth, his eyes were filled with tears, and he suppressed the turmoil in his heart. "Why did Master take the thousand lashes for me? Even if I die, I would rather die than let Master--"

    "Shh..." The woman's cool slender fingers pressed against Helian Xiao's lips, interrupting his unspoken words. Her voice was cold and indifferent, but there was a hint of softness that was not easily detected. "If you really took the thousand lashes, wouldn't it be in vain for me to rebuild your bones and cleanse your marrow and tendons during this period? A mere thousand lashes are just superficial injuries, which are nothing to me."

    Jun Yan said lightly, and with a flip of his white wrist, he took out a pill out of thin air and swallowed it.

    But in a moment, Helian Xiao keenly noticed that the wound on Master's back was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, stopping bleeding and forming scabs, growing flesh buds and then falling off. The new skin and flesh on her back were no different from before, and there was not even a scar left.

    Helian Xiao was stunned for a moment, but his mood did not relax.

    The master's injuries recovered, but some things could not be restored. He knew that the elders of the sect were all laughing at the master's stupidity, but a disciple who had committed a crime was not worthy of her condescending to take the punishment on his behalf.

    Although Helian Xiao was a chaotic spirit body that was rare in a thousand years, in the path of cultivation, in addition to extraordinary talent, the more important thing was the character.

    Helian Xiao was obviously rejected because of the character.


    wanted to be lazy today, but I couldn't bear the torment of my conscience. I got up and rehabilitated for a thousand times. Shouldn't I be praised?

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