Chapter 311 White Moonlight 83

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    "Ah?" Ji Jiaojiao was thinking about how to talk more with Yu Chenbi to awaken his past memories.

    The reason why Yu Chenbi ignored her must be because her hints were not obvious.

    It must be like this!

    She was originally looking at the lot in her hand and worrying, but she didn't expect that someone would send a pillow when she was sleepy.

    Ji Jiaojiao's eyes lit up, and she wanted to agree excitedly, but then she restrained her excitement very reservedly, and said with some embarrassment: "Ah... Isn't this not good... After all, we still have to abide by the rules. Sister Yan, did you have a conflict with Xiao Yu?"

    She didn't forget to dig a hole for Jun Yan even when she said this.

    Before Jun Yan could speak, Yu Chenbi on the side had already looked gloomy.

    He was very happy to be able to date his wife today, but who knew that Jun Yan would push him to someone else without even thinking about it.

    "No, I don't agree! Whatever the result of the draw is, Sister Yan can't violate the rules of the game, right?"

    "Your opinion is not important to me, as long as I agree." Jun Yan retorted coldly, and he didn't even pretend in front of the camera.

    "I don't agree, I don't agree!" Yu Chenbi's face was very ugly. He was always sunny and cheerful, but when he frowned, it was really scary.

    No one expected that Yu Chenbi, who had always been like a little puppy, would suddenly change his face. Everyone was confused for a while.

    Isn't it according to the script?

    What's going on? Is it

    so dramatic?

    【??? What's going on? Is there a class representative? Why do I feel like I missed an episode? 】

    【Weren't Yanbao and Xiaoyu doing well before? Why did they suddenly become so stiff? Yanyan didn't even want to do superficial work with him, and just started to tear it apart! 】

    【Oh my god, is my chopped pepper fish head CP going to be resurrected? Could it be that Junyan actually supports chopped pepper fish head? 】

    【It looks like a quarrel between a young couple. They were alone outside last night, and they were chatting with their microphones closed. I felt that things were not simple! They must have said something to quarrel! 】

    【Fuck! Is the program group doing something again? This is too real! Although it is not quite the same as the love triangle I imagined, I still love watching it!

    Although the program team was a little slow to react to this sudden change, they did not stop it when they saw that the popularity of the program was getting higher and higher, and it was obvious that the audience was buying it.

    They originally wanted to do something bloody, but because Jun Yan refused to cooperate, they did not arrange any plots to make a scene. Unexpectedly, they did not arrange it, but the guests arranged it themselves.

    The audience watched it with relish, and the program team made a lot of money.

    In the end, under Jun Yan's insistence, Yu Chenbi lost and could only watch Jun Yan date someone else.

    After the four groups were paired up, they began to draw lots to decide the date location. Jun Yan's group drew the amusement park, Ji Jiaojiao and Yu Chenbi drew the theme cafe, and the other two groups drew the zoo and the science and technology museum respectively.

    After deciding, the group set off.

    Yu Chenbi's eyes were always glued to Jun Yan, and his wet eyes looked at her half sadly and half aggrievedly, like an abandoned puppy, hoping that she would change her mind.

    However, this time, Jun Yan was not so easy to talk to. She didn't even look at Yu Chenbi, and turned around and got into Bai Mo's car.

    Yu Chenbi could only watch her get into someone else's car and leave with reluctance, wishing to pull Bai Mo, who was sitting next to Jun Yan, down and take his place.

    Ji Jiaojiao saw that his mind was not on her, and she felt a little uncomfortable. She poked Yu Chenbi unhappily, "Have you seen enough? The person you are dating today is me! Can you pay more attention, Mr. Yu!"

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