Chapter 363: Frozen Lover 28

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    Jun Yan didn't know what Helian Xiao was thinking. Seeing that he was trembling all over, he thought that he was scared. He kept patting Helian Xiao's back to comfort him. He was soft-hearted, but his face was a little cold. He sternly admonished: "I hope you really know your mistake! If you make the same mistake again in the future, your master will not indulge you like today!"

    "Master, you are right. I will never make the same mistake again!"

    Helian Xiao hurriedly admitted his mistake. Compared with the master's harsh words, he was more afraid of the other party's cold and disappointed eyes.

    As the saying goes, the deeper the love, the more severe the blame. He had never seen the master so angry at Lian Qiaodong.

    From this point of view alone, his position in the master's heart was obviously higher than Lian Qiao.

    Thinking of this, Helian Xiao's heart was inexplicably excited.

    However, after this incident, Helian Xiao also knew that he had missed the best time to get rid of Lian Qiao, and he must not target her in the future.

    Otherwise, if Lian Qiao had any problems, the first person the master would suspect would be him.

    Therefore, Helian Xiao had to hold back and behave himself in the sect.

    He now had a deep blood feud, and his enemy was right in front of him. Even if it was not for his master, he had to stay in Lingyun Sect just for revenge.

    If he insisted on being angry for a while, he would miss the opportunity for revenge.

    Compared with his own blood feud, Lian Qiao was not worth mentioning. When he slaughtered the entire Lingyun Sect one day, Lian Qiao would naturally not be able to escape, so he didn't have to rush.

    Helian Xiao was not stupid. He figured out the trick. He put away his hostility towards Lian Qiao. After Lian Qiao woke up, he obediently went to apologize. When she was recovering from her injuries, he was diligent in serving Lian Qiao, as if the previous grudges and murderous intentions were completely gone.

    Lian Qiao never thought that she would get a blessing in disguise.

    Originally, the male protagonist wanted to kill her, and Lian Qiao almost thought she would die on Shuangfeng Cliff. Who knew that the male protagonist was not only dragged by Jun Yan to apologize to her, but also took care of her recovery with great tenderness and consideration.

    Lian Qiao was worried that she had no chance to get along well with the male lead, but now the chance has come. She must seize the opportunity and improve the male lead's favorability.

    As Lian Qiao expected, her process of improving her favorability went very smoothly. Helian Xiao's attitude towards her became softer day by day. It seemed that he had forgiven Lian Qiao and was devoted to Lian Qiao who was recovering from her injuries. Even if Jun Yan came, he could not find any fault with her.

    Just when Lian Qiao thought that her mission had finally made progress and happily opened the system, she saw that the male lead's favorability was still a negative number!

    "System! What's going on! Is there something wrong with the system? Is the favorability display wrong? Why is it still negative!" Lian Qiao widened her eyes and looked at the negative favorability that appeared on the virtual screen in front of her in shock.

    How could this be possible!

    During the period of recovery, she was diligently trying to capture the male lead every day. Even a blind man could see that Helian Xiao's attitude towards her was much better than before. How could the favorability remain unchanged!

    [After testing, the target person's favorability was not wrong. 】

    The cold mechanical sound of the system rang in her ears. Lian Qiao turned her eyes away from the virtual screen in disbelief and looked at Helian Xiao who was walking towards her not far away.

    The young man was dressed in white, as if he wanted to blend into the surrounding snowy scenery. He was holding two strings of bright red candied haws in his hands, with a smile on his lips, and walked towards Lian Qiao.

"Sister, how is your injury today? Is it getting better?"

    At present, Helian Xiao's attitude towards her is much better than before, but the naked negative favorability on the system tells Lian Qiao that Helian Xiao's true attitude towards her has never changed.

    "Well... much better..." With the magic weapon provided by the system, Lian Qiao was not seriously injured. She was just scratched by the ice and snow and her spiritual power was seriously overdrawn. Originally, she was thinking of spending more time with the male protagonist, so she deliberately exaggerated her injuries. After resting in the cave for a few days, her injuries had long been healed.

    Lian Qiao's eyes fell on the candied haws in Helian Xiao's hand. Knowing that she liked these mundane things, Helian Xiao would always go down the mountain to find some small things to please her during this period. Now the two strings of candied haws in his hand, it is clear without thinking that Helian Xiao must have bought them for her.

    Helian Xiao clearly tried his best to please her. Before checking the favorability, Lian Qiao thought that even if Helian Xiao didn't like her, his favorability would never be low. At least there was always some friendship between senior sisters and brothers.

However, reality slapped Lian Qiao in the face. Helian Xiao didn't have any friendship with her. He wanted to get rid of her as soon as possible!

    "It's good if she gets better. If Senior Sister gets into trouble because of my impulsiveness, I'm afraid I will never be able to sleep well in my life. I hope Senior Sister won't care about me..." Helian Xiao didn't seem to notice Lian Qiao's eyes on the candied haws. He just said something from the bottom of his heart, and he didn't mean to give the candied haws to Lian Qiao at all.

    Lian Qiao's mind was full of favorability at this time, and she was quite absent-minded in dealing with Helian Xiao. Fortunately, Helian Xiao didn't care about her reaction at all. He just pulled her and chattered for a long time, saying some seemingly warm but actually empty and false words.

    However, after a short while, Lian Qiao was keenly aware that Helian Xiao's attitude towards her had become a little warmer.

    Helian Xiao stuffed the candied haws in his hand into Lian Qiao's hand and smiled softly, "Senior sister, look what good things I brought you when I went down the mountain. I heard from Master that you love to eat the candied haws in this world. Today, I went down the mountain to find the sweetest candied haws in Linzhou City for you. Try it now."

Lian Qiao hadn't reacted yet. She just held the candied haws blankly and was about to put it in her mouth when she saw Master flying over on his sword.

    "Senior sister, eat slowly, don't choke."

    The boy's clear voice added a bit of gentleness, and he even patted Lian Qiao's back with concern. However, when she caught the flash of disgust in his eyes, Lian Qiao finally believed that the data detected by the system was indeed correct!

    So during this period of time, the male protagonist's softening attitude towards her and his heartfelt dedication were all his disguises!

    Thinking of this, Lian Qiao felt a chill in her heart for no reason.

    He clearly hated her to the extreme, but he had to pretend to be a friendly fellow disciple. Lian Qiao knew without guessing that it was to continue to hide in Lingyun Sect.

    When Jun Yan approached, Helian Xiao seemed to have just noticed Jun Yan's arrival. His black eyes suddenly lit up, and a smile suddenly appeared on his handsome face. It was much more sincere than when he was just pretending to be nice to Lian Qiao.

"Master! Why are you here? Senior sister's injury hasn't healed in a few days. I was worried about her injury, so I came to see her early."

    In fact, Helian Xiao was only a cup of tea earlier than Jun Yan. He knew that the master loved to see him and Lian Qiao get along well. Therefore, no matter how much he hated Lian Qiao in his heart, in order to please the master, he had to play this fake brotherly love with Lian Qiao.

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