Chapter 326 White Moonlight 102 (Memories I)

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    Due to excessive blood loss, Yu Chenbi's consciousness was somewhat blurred. He looked at the woman kneeling in front of him, and big warm tears fell on his face, making his left chest, which was already in great pain from the gunshot, throb even more painful.

    In a trance, it seemed that in his distant memory, there was also a girl sobbing in his memory.

    She was always like this, easily able to affect his mind and make him at a loss.

    "My Ah Yan... why are you still so fond of crying..." The man reached out with difficulty to touch Jun Yan's face.

    After a brief moment of shock, her tears became more turbulent.

    Such a name was strange and familiar, but it made Jun Yan seem to see a ray of light in the darkness -

    only he would call her that.

    Jun Yan was a little bit unbelievable, but with hope, "Is it... you? It's you, right?"

    It turned out that he had always been by her side.

    However, the other party no longer had the extra strength to respond to her.

    The strength was being drained away bit by bit, and the hand that was originally stroking her face gradually slid down weakly.

    Jun Yan quickly grabbed the big hand and pressed it against her face. Tears kept pouring out, and her voice was choked with sobs. "The ambulance is coming soon... Hold on... Hold on..."

    After an unknown amount of time, Jun Yan felt that every minute and every second was so hard to endure. She even felt that Yu Chenbi's body was beginning to get cold. She desperately rubbed his cold hands, and tears kept falling.

    Finally, the ambulance arrived.

    Yu Chenbi was sent to the ambulance, and the police soon arrived and subdued Zhong Mingzhu, who was still screaming and shouting.


    The lights in the operating room were on, and Jun Yan sat outside the corridor. She lowered her head blankly, looking at her bloody hands. She was covered in blood, and her clothes were stained with large patches of red.

    So much blood...

    He just bleeds a lot...

    So much blood...

    My brother bleeds a lot to save her...


    Why did she say again?

    A sharp pain suddenly attacked her brain, and Jun Yan felt a buzzing in her ears, and she fell to one side with a splitting headache.

    Something seemed to surge into her mind at once, and the overloaded memory made her brain tear like a pain -

    endless gunshots, explosions, roars, painful howls...

    It seemed that something she had forgotten for a long time...

    finally came to mind...

    The young girl was tied up and locked in a dark box, her eyes were sealed, and everything in front of her was dark.

    She could only vaguely hear the man's voice coming from outside the wooden box, "Tie up his daughter... Let him... do it again in the future... Don't even think about it without 500 million..."

    The piercing pain came from her ten fingers, it hurts...

    It hurts...

    She looked down hazily and found that her originally white and tender little chubby hands were now bloody, and the nails of all ten fingers were cruelly pulled out.

    Her hands were bloody, and the young girl couldn't bear the severe pain and fainted.

    The scene in front of her turned, and she fell into the warm embrace of the boy again. He looked down at her with the same gentleness as always, as if she could drown in his eyes.

    Little Jun Yan looked up at him, opened her dry little mouth, and lip-synced, "Brother..."

    But before she could make a sound, blood gushed out of the mouth of the boy in front of her, and he fell to the ground holding her, unconscious.

    In order to save her, the boy was shot several times, and large pieces of blood were like blood-colored lotus flowers blooming behind him.

    The warm blood splashed on her face, and the terrifying bright red blood color reflected in the girl's eyes, dyeing her eye sockets red. The young girl hugged her brother in fear, but no matter how she called the boy's name, he did not answer.


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