Chapter 322 White Moonlight 94

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    The woman was pressed on the bed and fucked continuously. After several intense climaxes, she finally passed out.

    When Jun Yan woke up, she found that there was no one around her. Her body was cleaned, but her stomach still felt full.

    Her whole body was sore as if it was falling apart. She was raped by that beast again.

    Thinking of this, Jun Yan's nose was sore and she almost cried.

    She gritted her teeth to prevent tears from falling, and sat up with the help of the edge of the bed. However, with just such a simple action, she felt a warm current gushing out from her lower body, and there was still a foreign body feeling blocked in her vagina.

    The woman was naked. She lifted the quilt, revealing her beautiful body. Her skin, which was originally as delicate as porcelain, was now covered with terrible finger marks and bite marks.

    The purple marks were all over her body, and even the roots of her thighs had teeth marks bitten by the man, which showed what kind of intense love this body had experienced.

    She opened her legs, only to find that the middle of her legs was blocked by a silicone plug, which blocked the semen that the man had poured into her vagina. However, the semen was too full, and there was still a lot of white and transparent liquid that overflowed from the vagina, soaking the silicone plug. The

    originally tightly closed and plump clam rou had been fucked too much, and it was already swollen and turned outward. She grabbed the silicone plug, frowned slightly, and pulled the plug out with force.

    When the plug was pulled out, it made a light "pop" sound. As soon as it was pulled out, the semen and vaginal fluid that had been blocked rushed out. The

    vagina was fucked open, and even if nothing was inserted, it still opened into a small round mouth, and the vaginal fluid kept overflowing.

    In just a short while, the vagina had a pool of fluid, soaking the bed sheet. Her stomach felt sore, and she inserted her fingers into the roux, trying to expel the semen that had been shot deeper.

    However, even though she tried to open her thighs and put her long fingers inside, she still couldn't reach the deepest part. Instead, she would occasionally touch the sensitive vagina and play with it until it was dripping with juice.

    The room was quiet, with only the occasional low panting and muffled groans from the woman.

    Originally, she just wanted to discharge the semen that the man had shot into her body, but slowly things changed. She began to caress her sensitive vagina involuntarily, and from time to time she would rub the erect clitoris at the entrance of the vagina, and the thrilling pleasure surged up.

    One finger was not enough, so she put in a second one, and put two fingers together to thrust and dig inside the vagina. The woman opened her legs wide, looked up at the ceiling, her beautiful eyes were filled with tears, and her mouth was slightly open and panting.

    While caressing her body, she moaned, "Well...ah..."

    In fact, a body that had just been loved by a man would not be so hungry and unsatisfied, but the self-loathing in her heart made her body feel empty for no reason.


    She hadn't touched that person for a long time. Not only that, she was forced by another person. Thinking of this, Jun Yan's eyes couldn't help but become sore.

    Her heart seemed to have a big hole in it, and the biting wind kept whistling into her heart.

    Strong loneliness and uneasiness surged up, and she wanted to hug him and feel him urgently, but at this time, she could only imagine the body temperature of that person, and use her fingers to comfort herself to comfort the increasingly strong emptiness and loneliness in her heart.

    "Yeah...Brother...I miss you so much...I miss you so much..."

    While comforting her empty body, she imagined the satisfaction of being filled when he fucked her. A sour feeling came over her, and her pussy spit out a mouthful of sticky juice.

    The woman knelt on the bed with her legs spread open, and her slender fingers kept thrusting in and out of the soft and muddy flower, and streams of juice gushed out. The pleasure gradually accumulated and surged up, making her body involuntarily collapse and tighten.


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