Chapter 341: Frozen Lover 6

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    Helian Xiao followed Jun Yan's instructions and closed his eyes for a month to stabilize his foundation, which was still a little unstable after forming the elixir.

    One month later, after receiving Jun Yan's sound transmission note, Helian Xiao came out of seclusion.

    Snow fell again on Lingshuang Peak. On the top of Lingshuang Peak, a woman in white waved her hand lightly, and the falling snow fluttered and stopped in an instant. She pinched her fingers with one hand and chanted a spell in a low voice. The falling snow flew around her as if it had opened its mind, and was absorbed into her body.

    She was surrounded by the white snow. She raised two fingers on each hand and tapped lightly on the solar plexus. She pinched her fingers and formed a seal. She uttered a word softly from her pink lips, "Break!"

    As her voice fell, the snowflakes flying all over the sky suddenly exploded without any warning. Some snowflakes exploded when they landed, making a big hole in the ground, and some directly crushed the surrounding cedars into powder.


    "Boom! Boom!"

    Explosions rang out one after another. The seemingly harmless snowflakes could burst out with such powerful force in an instant under her urging.

    However, in the blink of an eye, the peak was blown to pieces by her.

    But she stood quietly in the center of the storm, her clothes fluttering, but she remained motionless.

    She flipped her hands and pinched a resurrection spell. A glittering white light flashed in her eyes. Helian Xiao watched the rocks and trees that had been blown into pieces just now. It was as if time had gone back and they were restored to their original state. There was no trace of the tragic scene of being blown to pieces just now.

    This is a cultivator in the fusion stage. It is not an exaggeration to say that they have the ability to move mountains and fill the sea.

    Helian Xiao looked at his master, who could raze the entire mountain to the ground with just a casual move. He could destroy everything with a light lift of his white hands. His expression was indifferent and cold.

    She was so powerful and beautiful.

    Somehow, Helian Xiao's heart suddenly throbbed for no reason. He stared at his master who landed gracefully from the air and looked at him. His originally cold face seemed to melt like ice and snow, and a barely perceptible smile appeared on his face.

    The young man looked at her with an obsession that he himself had not noticed.

    "This is the first move of the Ice Soul Art, the Ice Breaking Technique. Do you understand it?"

    The woman's clear voice woke Helian Xiao from his daze. He lowered his head and said respectfully, "Yes, I understand it, but I'm afraid I can't control it as freely as my master."

    Helian Xiao's physique is a chaotic spirit body that is rare in a thousand years. The so-called chaotic spirit body is the chaotic spiritual root, which does not belong to any kind of spiritual root, nor is it a mutated spiritual root.

    Cultivators with chaotic spiritual roots are born with a talent that other spiritual roots do not have, that is, they can cultivate any kind of spiritual root at will.

    Even if they only practice one attribute, other attributes in the body will also increase accordingly. At the same time, they absorb external spiritual energy faster than ordinary cultivators, and the refined spiritual energy is also more refined.

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