Chapter 333 White Moonlight 108h

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    "Why didn't you get any milk?" The man frowned in confusion, then smiled at her in comfort, "It's okay, baby, your husband will help you suck this side, maybe you will get milk when the milk is unblocked."

    After that, the man didn't wait for her to react, and dived into her chest and began to lick her soft and tender breasts fiercely.

    "Don't eat anymore... There's no milk... No milk..." The numbness in her chest turned into strands of hot currents, rushing towards secretion. Jun Yan squeezed her legs unbearably and tried to push his head away with her hands, but Yu Chenbi hugged her back, forcing her to raise her breasts and endure the man's crazy and perverted licking.

    "Baby's milk smells so good, husband likes it so much..." Yu Chenbi's breathing became heavier and more rapid, and the hot breath sprayed on her naked skin. A tingling sensation from deep inside her body spread to her limbs, and a sour and empty feeling came over her.

    The man devoured the soft breasts greedily with big mouthfuls, his movements were fierce and urgent, the poor delicate breasts were licked and bitten by him until they were shiny, the nipples were like ripe cherries, as if a light bite would ooze out sweet juice.

    Yu Chenbi was so thirsty that his mouth was dry. He gathered the two breasts together, rolled the two red cherries into his mouth and sucked them hard.

"Well... no... don't..." Jun Yan unconsciously raised her chest. She hugged the man's head helplessly. Her chest was slightly swollen and painful from being sucked, and a secret pleasure rose in her body. She tightened her legs, and the wet flesh between her legs rubbed against each other. The man's hard giant stretched across the soft and slippery heart of the flower.

    Her body subconsciously pursued pleasure. Her waist and abdomen sank, and her cunt opened her mouth to suck the man's penis through his pants. She just sucked it gently for a few times, and the familiar pleasure suddenly surged up, "Ahhhh - here it comes..."

    Jun Yan moaned softly, trembling and spraying a stream of sticky love liquid. The cunt between her legs contracted and twitched wildly. Her body was tense, and her eyes were filled with blurred tears. Her eyes were absent-minded.

    "Slut, you climaxed just by licking your breasts?" Yu Chenbi was seduced by the woman's gentle moan, and the huge thing in his guntang became more and more swollen. He bit the tender and soft nipple fiercely, causing the person in his arms to tremble and spray out streams of honey again.

    Yu Chenbi couldn't help it any longer and started to unbutton her pants. Noticing his movements, Jun Yan still had some rationality. She held his hand, shook her head and panted slightly, "No... your injury hasn't healed yet..."

    However, Yu Chenbi didn't listen to her. The man unbuttoned his pants, took out the hard object that had been ready for use, and pulled down her panties. "Even if your injury hasn't healed, I can still make you dry!"

    As soon as he finished speaking, the man thrust into the already soft and slippery passage without saying anything, and thrust all the way to the bottom.

"Umm-ah-ah-ah..." The tight and narrow tender pussy was penetrated and filled by the sudden penetration of the roubang. The body that had just climaxed couldn't stand the stimulation. Jun Yan's eyes rolled back. Just being penetrated made her spray out streams of juice, which wet the junction with juice. Several consecutive climaxes made her face flushed, and a thin layer of sweat oozed out of her body. Under the sunlight, it was shining with pearlescent light, which easily dazzled the man's eyes.

    "Wife...Wife, you are so beautiful, wife, you are so tight, wife, I am so naughty...I finally get to naughty my wife again, I love you so are mine..." Yu Chenbi looked obsessed and crazy. He kept licking the woman's sweet sweat frantically, from her flushed cheeks to her graceful neck.

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