Chapter 330 White Moonlight 105 (slightly h)

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    The gun attack on the famous actress Jun Yan was a hot topic on the same day.

    What was even more unexpected was that the person who attacked her with a gun turned out to be the former popular actress, Ji Jiaojiao.

    The grievances between the two had previously caused a lot of gossip among netizens on the Internet.

    No one expected that Ji Jiaojiao would be so extreme. Some people

    speculated that perhaps the ban on Ji Jiaojiao might be related to Jun Yan, or even directly caused by Jun Yan.

    Others thought that Ji Jiaojiao had a grudge against Jun Yan and Yu Chenbi because her sponsor Lu Yu had fallen, so she had such a shooting.

    There are many different opinions on the Internet about this shooting, and all kinds of speculations are available.

    But there is no doubt that Ji Jiaojiao has touched the bottom line of the law, and she will eventually pay the price for her madness.

    Ji Jiaojiao was arrested and sentenced by the police for breaking into a house with a gun and injuring someone. If nothing unexpected happens, she will spend the rest of her life in prison.

    When the verdict was announced, Jun Yan went to see her, hoping to get some useful information from Zhong Mingzhu. However, when she went to visit the prison, she found that "Zhong Mingzhu" had become Ji Jiaojiao again.

Ji Jiaojiao didn't know why she was so impulsive, as if she was possessed, and did such crazy things. She didn't understand why the plot was different from what she expected? Is

    n't this a sad story?

    Why is the male protagonist's white moonlight with the villain?

    Ji Jiaojiao, who wanted to make a big splash in the entertainment industry, ended up spending the rest of her life in prison.

    And Jun Yan, who came out of prison, didn't get the answer she wanted.

    Where did Zhong Mingzhu go?

    Jun Yan had no way of knowing. Even if she asked Yu Chenbi, Yu Chenbi, who had no memory, couldn't answer her questions.

    Yu Chenbi stayed in the hospital for more than two months, and his injuries were gradually getting better.

    But he had a hideous scar on his chest.

    The doctor changed the bandage for him as usual, but Yu Chenbi frowned at the scar on his chest.

    After the doctor left, he still lifted his clothes, as if he wanted to stare at the ugly and hideous scar through the gauze.

  "What's wrong?" Jun Yan sent the doctor away, and saw that he was staring at the wound. He couldn't help but feel nervous. He took two steps over and asked with concern: "Does the wound hurt?"

    Yu Chenbi just kept silent for a long time. Just when Jun Yan was about to call the doctor back who had walked a short distance, he said sullenly: "The doctor said that there will be scars in the future. The wound is so ugly. Will you dislike me anymore?"

    I thought his wound was getting worse or he was uncomfortable somewhere. Who knew that because of this little thing, Jun Yan was a little amused and helpless, "What's the matter with scars? You were injured to protect me. How could I dislike you because of this? You underestimated me too much."

    "Really?" Yu Chenbi seemed to not believe it, and there was a little water in his eyes, which made his peach blossom eyes sparkle and shine.

    Maybe it's because he's younger in this world, so he likes to act like a spoiled child with her. He'll look at her with tears in his eyes over the smallest things. With his slightly curly short hair, he looks like a fluffy puppy, which makes people feel so soft-hearted.

    "Of course it's true." Jun Yan couldn't help but rub his fluffy hair.


Yu Chenbi reached out to Jun Yan as expected, and as he wished, he embraced the woman's soft and fragrant body in his arms. He buried his face in the woman's plump and soft chest, closed his eyes and sniffed deeply.

    He didn't know why Jun Yan's attitude suddenly changed, and he didn't want to know. It didn't matter whether it was to repay a favor or for other reasons he didn't know. As long as she was willing to stay by his side, he had a reason to live. With

    love overflowing in his heart, the man tightened his arms and hugged her more tightly, as if he wanted to integrate the woman into his bones and blood.

    After a long time, he raised his head from her chest and suddenly suggested: "After my injury heals, I will get a tattoo. How about tattooing you on my chest?"

    Tattooing her, the most precious one, on his chest, the place closest to his heart, he can feel her every moment of his heartbeat.

    This is a mark that belongs to her alone.

    It is the proof of his love.

    Jun Yan was slightly stunned when she heard the words. She didn't know what she was thinking about. Her eyes turned red and mist quickly filled her eyes. Tears fell like pearls that had broken off the string.

    She nodded heavily, hugged him back tighter, hugged his neck, and offered her plump red lips and kissed him.

    Yu Chenbi was naturally excited when her lover took the initiative to kiss her. The man eagerly held her delicate chin, opened his mouth greedily and savagely wrapped her small mouth, held it and licked and sucked hard.

    The big tongue probed into the small tongue and danced, swallowing all the sweet saliva secreted from the sandalwood mouth, and then wrapped the tender small tongue fiercely, trying to suck out more juice.

    The man's kiss was full of aggressive desire. The small mouth was taken into the man's mouth and licked and sucked. The tongue was forced to stick out, making her unable to even swallow the simplest swallowing. The transparent and sticky liquid slid down the corners of the two people's intertwined mouths to the small chin, and the watery light was shining under the sunlight.

    "Mmm..." Jun Yan seemed to have lost all her strength, and her tongue was numb from being licked and kissed.

    The man's frantic and domineering kiss made her seem to have taken away her breath, and the strong feeling of suffocation made her whole body limp and ride on Yu Chenbi.

    "No... well..." Jun Yan felt that she couldn't breathe, and subconsciously wanted to push Yu Chenbi away, but the man hugged her tighter, holding her head with his big hands, deepening the kiss.

    The man breathed rapidly, closed his eyes, and licked the woman's tender lips with an obsessive look, sucking her pink lips until they were red and swollen.

    Jun Yan felt weak all over, and was afraid of touching his wounds, so she could only wrap her hands around his neck, close her eyes and let him do whatever he wanted.

    The ward was very quiet, and only the sound of water between the two people could be heard, which made people blush.

    The man's heavy breathing sprayed on her skin, and Jun Yan was a little confused by the kiss. Her body was hot for no reason, and the places he touched were like electric shocks.

    At some point, a small tent had already been erected high in Yu Chenbi's groin.

    Jun Yan was wearing a skirt today, and she sat on him. Through the soft panties, the man's erect hardness was pressing against the center of her flower, causing her body to tremble involuntarily, and she spit out a mouthful of honey with a shiver.

    Yu Chenbi gently thrust his waist and abdomen to touch the warm depression between the woman's legs. Sensing her arousal, the man's big hands covered with calluses rubbed the white and delicate skin on the inside of her thighs, causing the delicate woman on his body to tremble slightly.

    The man chuckled and probed his fingers into the center of her legs. Sure enough, the panties had been wet with the secreted juice, so naughty.

    Just as his fingers were about to drill into the soaked panties to tease the sensitive flower, they were grabbed by a trembling small hand——

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