Chapter 361: Frozen Lover 26

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    Helian Xiao's heart skipped a beat, but he remained calm. Facing Jun Yan's accusation, he asked with a mixture of doubt and concern, "Senior sister... what happened to senior sister? During the time when Master went down the mountain, I have been practicing hard behind closed doors every day and have not seen you. Could it be that you were injured at Frost Wind Cliff?"

    The young man acted as if he was ignorant. He was sure that he had done it cleanly and neatly, and that Master would not be able to find any evidence against him. Even if he suspected him, it would be nothing in the end. Helian Xiao was fully confident of this.

    But he obviously did not realize that if Jun Yan really wanted to expel him from the sect, he did not need any reason.

    Therefore, seeing that Helian Xiao was still stubborn, Jun Yan stared at him for a long time with a cold gaze, and finally sighed quietly.

    "That's it." After speaking, the woman in white turned around and stood with her hands behind her back.

    The woman sighed with regret and helplessness, as if she had entrusted thousands of words that had not been spoken, which made Helian Xiao's heart tighten for no reason. He looked up at the back of his master who was close at hand.

    For some reason, Helian Xiao suddenly felt a sense of absurdity, as if his master was thousands of miles away from him, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not catch her.

    He had a vague premonition that what his master said and did next would definitely be unbearable for him.

    The fear of the unknown, or the fear of losing the person in front of him, prompted Helian Xiao to urgently want to say something. If he didn't do something at this time, he would definitely regret it.

    However, before Helian Xiao could speak, the woman's clear and melodious voice sounded, as usual, but it made Helian Xiao feel cold all over and panic-

    "You go."

    "Go down the mountain, I will not accept those who harm my master and disrespect my elders!"

    Jun Yan said coldly and resolutely, without looking back at him. Helian Xiao immediately felt a buzzing in his head and could no longer hear anything else.

    The master wanted to drive him away...

    The master didn't want him anymore...

    His whole family was wiped out, and he had no relatives. He should have died alone in the bitter cold night of Linzhou City, but the master saved him.

    It was she who took him back to Lingyun Sect, cleansed his marrow and tendons, reshaped his spiritual roots, and allowed him to resume the glory of the former genius.

    It was she who gave him a new life and let him see a ray of light in the dark night when he was walking alone.

    Jun Yan will never understand what kind of existence she is to Helian Xiao.

    She was like the bright moon hanging high in the sky, cold and distant, yet gentle and bright, scattering moonlight all over the ground, silently illuminating Helian Xiao's life destined to be dark.

    He longed to be close to her, but was ashamed of his blasphemy against his master.

    For Helian Xiao now, his only obsession in life, apart from revenge, was his master.

    It was his master who gave him some motivation to live and made him have a little attachment to this boring world.

    But such a master will eventually leave him...

    A great panic suddenly seized Helian Xiao's mind, but in a moment, Helian Xiao easily gave up his resistance and disguise. The boy tightly grasped Jun Yan's skirt, and whispered to admit his mistakes and begged, "Master, I know I was wrong... Please... Please don't drive me away... Master..." Compared with his master,

    Lian Qiao was insignificant at all. If he made his master hate him in order to retaliate against Lian Qiao, it would be absolutely not worth it. Helian Xiao would never do such a thing that was not worth the loss.


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