Chapter 364: Frozen Lover 29

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    Seeing that Helian Xiao had really put aside his previous grudge against Lian Qiao and was willing to reconcile with Lian Qiao, Jun Yan's usually indifferent face finally showed a gratified smile, and she said softly: "I am relieved that you care so much about your senior sister."

    Jun Yan's temperament has always been cold, and she rarely shows her joy. But at this moment, she smiled sincerely, and her originally cold face was instantly added with a touch of beauty because of her smile.

    In the days since following the master back to the mountain, Helian Xiao rarely saw Jun Yan smile. Even if she smiled, she only slightly curled her lips, and the smile did not reach her eyes. He had never seen such a sincere smile like this moment.

    The woman's face was like a lotus emerging from the water, and her smile with lowered eyebrows made Helian Xiao's heart palpitate, and his chest could not stop beating.

    The young man was stunned for a moment, just staring blankly, not realizing how presumptuous and rude his gaze towards the master was.

    Helian Xiao only felt a heat spreading to his limbs, as if his whole body was about to burn. His eyes were even more naked and straightforward, without any reservation.

    - That was obviously not the look of a well-behaved disciple looking at his master.

    Lian Qiao stood aside and looked at Helian Xiao steadily. As

    soon as Jun Yan appeared, all his attention was taken away by the other party. Now, Lian Qiao finally understood where the problem with her mission was -

    her target actually fell in love with Jun Yan!

    Lian Qiao lowered her eyes and stared at the white snow in a trance, suppressing the surging emotions in her eyes, but her hands still couldn't help but clenched tightly.

    Is it really because of her that the butterfly effect occurred, causing the male protagonist to fall in love with Jun Yan?

    For some reason, Lian Qiao suddenly felt humiliated -

    Lian Qiao was proud of coming from a higher dimensional world, so she always looked at the characters in these books with a sense of superiority.

    Since she came to this world, she has always considered herself superior to others. She doesn't care about associating with these paper people whose fates have been determined, and she doesn't think that any of these paper people can pose any threat to her.

    Even the male protagonist Helian Xiao himself is just a tool for her to complete the task. She doesn't take him seriously at all. However,

    Helian Xiao frustrated her again and again. It would be fine if he wanted to kill her, but he actually fell in love with the paper people in the book who have no thoughts and no feelings? !

    This is a great shame for Lian Qiao, who works diligently and thinks about conquering him every moment!

    She actually lost to a paper man!

    Lian Qiao clenched her fists tightly and turned pale with anger. With her temper, how could she bear such anger? She wanted to have an attack on the spot, but she hadn't lost her mind after all. The male protagonist's favorability was already low enough. If she jumped out to oppose the male protagonist again, it would only make the already difficult task even worse.

    Lian Qiao forced herself to suppress the urge to question Helian Xiao. She tried so hard to hold back that her body began to tremble slightly. It was obvious that she was very angry.

    However, Jun Yan saw that her face was blue, and thought that Lian Qiao's injury had not healed yet, so he immediately spoke with concern: "Lian Qiao, why do you look so ugly? Your injury did not seem serious before, but it has been several days and it has not healed. Could it be that your injury has become more serious?" As

    Jun Yan said this, he was about to reach out to check Lian Qiao's injury, but Lian Qiao dodged.

    Lian Qiao forced an ugly smile, shook her head at Jun Yan, and lied, "It's okay, my injury is no longer a big deal. Maybe I have been practicing too eagerly for success these two days, and it has backfired..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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