Chapter 344: Frozen Lover 9 (Spring Dream Micro H)

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    "Ah Xiao... Ah Xiao..."

    In the dimness, the woman's gentle and graceful voice kept calling his name.

    Helian Xiao was meditating with his eyes closed. He opened his eyes and saw a scene in front of him that was so erotic that it made his blood boil.

    The woman was lying naked in the snow. Her fair skin blended with the snow, and it was natural. Her black hair was scattered in the snow. Two strands of hair covered the woman's chest. The two red cherries were looming between the black hair, which was fascinating.

    Her skin was transparent and smooth, like a beautiful jade that had been carefully carved. The beauty lay in the snow, and the picture was beautiful.

    This person was not someone else, but his master who was like a banished immortal.

    She was not affected by the ice and snow at all. She lay quietly on the white snow, seductively opening her body to Helian Xiao, with her legs slightly open, revealing the deep red between her legs.

    Helian Xiao reacted almost instantly. His throat felt dry, his mouth was dry, and his heart beat like a drum. Although the beautiful scenery in front of him was extremely fragrant, Helian Xiao still adhered to his heart of Taoism and did not dare to blaspheme his master. He looked away with difficulty.

    "Master... Master..."

    Why did Master say this?

    Could it be that, as Lian Qiao said, Master wanted to use him as a furnace to replenish his yin?

    Helian Xiao's heart was hot, and his chest was beating like a drum, but he was secretly happy for no reason.

    Master did not have a Taoist partner. If he could be replenished by Master, then he would be the closest person to Master in this world...

    Furnaces would not be a problem.

    Although he thought so in his heart, Helian Xiao did not dare to glance over there at all, as if he was deliberately hiding his ulterior motives.

    "Ah Xiao... Come here... Why don't you look at your master? Ah Xiao... Don't you want me..." The woman's voice was coquettish and charming, and even had a hint of grievance in her crying tone, completely different from her usual cold and self-restrained appearance.

    Helian Xiao was flustered for a moment, and dared not look over there, as if she was some kind of monster. He suppressed his rapid breathing and said with restraint: "Master... I didn't..."

    Before he finished speaking, Helian Xiao's whole body suddenly stiffened, and the soft and cold body suddenly wrapped around his body.

    "Ah Xiao... I don't believe it... You clearly want it, look, you're hard..." The woman's voice was charming and gentle. Helian Xiao didn't know that the master's clear and cold voice could be so sweet when he acted like a spoiled child... The

    white little hand gently stroked Helian Xiao's groin, pressing it lightly, and the swollen giant under his crotch actually bounced excitedly. The woman's bold move made Helian Xiao gasp heavily, and veins appeared on his forehead. But in a moment, fine and dense beads of sweat oozed out, and he was really embarrassed.

    Seeing his immature reaction, the woman giggled and exhaled a breath in Helian Xiao's ear with a hint of coolness, "Ah Xiao... don't hold it in, come and get whatever you want... I'm yours..."

    At the end of the words, her little hand boldly grasped the huge dragon between the boy's legs through the brocade clothes. Helian Xiao's whole body was tense, and he could not help but look at her sideways.

    This one look was a disaster.

    The woman's originally cold eyebrows were stained with a touch of gorgeous color at this time. The tail of her eyes was slightly raised, with a faint red, and her red lips were as charming as blood.

/br> She looked like a monster that had been cultivated in the mountains and specialized in absorbing the essence of men. She was beautiful and deadly.

    Helian Xiao's eyes were filled with amazement. His eyes were burning hot. He stared at the extremely beautiful woman in front of him. His eyes changed several times, from the initial amazement to obsession and intoxication...

    Finally, the dark eyes were gradually colored by the blazing light, and the love that was originally surging undercurrent broke through the shackles and poured out.

    "Master..." The boy's voice was hoarse, and his Adam's apple rolled up and down. His big hands with thin calluses struggled for a moment, and finally gently stroked the master's thin waist. As soon as his big hands touched the delicate skin like jade, he seemed to be absorbed. He couldn't help but move up and down, carefully stroking the smooth skin.

    The woman's delicate body was held in his arms, and her two small hands rested on his neck, and she enthusiastically offered her red lips.

    The soft and cold tender lips covered the boy's thin lips. The young and inexperienced boy was at a loss for a moment, and his whole body became more and more stiff, allowing the woman to do whatever she wanted.

    The flexible little tongue licked the thin lips for a while, easily pried open his teeth, and probed into the boy's warm mouth. The sweet saliva made him suck unconsciously and swallow it into his stomach. As if he had found a way, Helian Xiao hugged the naked woman and began to carefully stick out his tongue to entangle with the lilac little tongue.

    The little tongue stirred in the boy's mouth, and he chased her licking and swallowing the sweet juice. When her little tongue pulled out, the still unsatisfied boy couldn't help but stick out his tongue to chase after her. His heart was full of the sweet honey in the woman's mouth. He panted and eagerly clasped her head, imprinted on that tempting little mouth again, and held the pink and soft tongue again and sucked it hard, absorbing the sweet juice.


    so sweet...

    "Mmm... well..." The woman opened her mouth in response, and the boy held her tender pink tongue and licked it carefully. The boy carefully licked every part of her mouth, sucking heavily on the saliva that she couldn't swallow.

    The little hand groped around in front of him. At some point, all the clothes on his body disappeared, revealing the man's strong and majestic body. The muscles that undulated like mountains stretched with his movements, and each muscle was full of explosive power. The man's solid and strong body made the woman in his arms look even smaller.

    The boy was born handsome and elegant, but the bulging penis under his crotch was as thick as his arm. The purple-red giant with blue veins spit out transparent liquid, poking straight into the woman's flat belly, and even shook arrogantly, becoming more and more erect.

    "Well... Ah Xiao... you poked me..." The master glanced at him coquettishly, and was very charming, which made Helian Xiao's heart flutter and his body hot.

    "Master... Master..." Helian Xiao eagerly sniffed the faint cold fragrance that belonged to his master. He stretched out his tongue in ecstasy and licked the sweet flesh on his master's neck.

    But the woman dodged his kiss maliciously and pushed him down in the snow. The cold ice and snow around them did not affect them at all. The falling snow fluttered and fell on her black hair and her smooth body.

    "Ah Xiao... Master will teach you the way of dual cultivation today, okay?" The master's naked body rode softly on his chest, looking at him seductively, and her cold little hands stroked the man's firm muscles up and down, bringing up a little desire.

    "Okay... okay." Helian Xiao swallowed his saliva, and his voice became more hoarse and low.


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