Chapter 316 White Moonlight 88h

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    "People like you deserve to be like this! You don't deserve any sympathy at all! You'd better be a rat in the gutter for the rest of your life. I will never like someone like you, um..."

    Jun Yan didn't finish her words before Yu Chenbi blocked her lips.

    The man's eyes were red, and he hugged Jun Yan and kissed her regardless.

    Because of his excitement, his whole body was trembling, and his breathing was disordered and rapid.

    "Mmmm - let go - um..." Jun Yan kept struggling, and even bit him with her teeth, but Yu Chenbi was indifferent and let her bite, and a strong smell of blood spread in their mouths.

    Yu Chenbi kissed deeper, and pried open Jun Yan's teeth with his big tongue. Even if he was bitten and bleeding, he didn't let go.

    "Get out, um..."

    Jun Yan didn't expect Yu Chenbi to be so shameless that he dared to do such a thing to her outside, and this place was remote and there were no cameras.

    Yu Chenbi sealed Jun Yan's lips while his big hands wandered all over her body.

    Even if Jun Yan wanted to break free, the size difference between them was too big, and the strength was too different. Her struggle was no different from that of a chick to Yu Chenbi.

    He grabbed Jun Yan's hands with one hand, twisted her hands behind her back, and began to touch the sensitive areas of her body with the other hand.

    Jun Yan was wearing a suspender skirt today. In order to look good, she only put on breast stickers inside, and didn't wear any underwear at all.

    The big hand easily got into her chest, and the breast stickers were torn off. The rough calloused hands were guntang and hot, and they rubbed the delicate nipples heavily, making the woman tremble all over, and she unconsciously softened, and the sour feeling flowed out with the heat. The

    physiological reaction produced unconsciously by the body made Jun Yan feel ashamed. She tried hard to break free, but her mouth was blocked by the man and she couldn't scream at all, "Ugh... beast..."

    Although she struggled with all her strength, her body was still tightly shackled by the man. She leaned against the corner of the wall, and there was a tall man in front of her, and there was nowhere to escape.

    However, Yu Chenbi didn't listen to her at all. He seemed to be stimulated by what she said just now. He was very rough, quickly unbuttoned his pants, and took out the thick, long, purple-red penis.

    Then the man lifted Jun Yan's skirt, tore off her panties roughly, and pressed the swollen hard object in his lower body against the already slightly moist entrance of her vagina.

    When Jun Yan finally realized what he wanted to do at this time, it was too late.

    With a "puff", the roubang went all the way to the end, heavily penetrating her body.

    The honey secreted from the body acted as a lubricant, and the man easily penetrated deep into her vagina.

    "Um..." Jun Yan widened her eyes, looking at him in horror and disbelief.

    This bastard, this beast, he was just outside...

    At this time, Yu Chenbi finally let go of her lips, and just when Jun Yan wanted to scream for help, Yu Chenbi pushed hard and whispered in her ear, "I don't mind if you want to call everyone to watch me fuck you."

    He really didn't mind, but a perverted possessive desire rose in his heart, calling everyone to watch, so that everyone would know that she was his.

    Jun Yan covered her mouth tightly, afraid that she would scream out.

    She knew that Yu Chenbi, this lunatic, was not afraid of going to jail or being ruined, but she was different from him! He

    was really a scumbag!


    Jun Yan hated Yu Chenbi, but her eyes were tearful after being fucked, which really had no deterrent effect, but aroused the man's sexual desire.

    The roubang buried deep in the xue began to thrust, and Yu Chenbi lifted Jun Yan's legs so that the roubang could fuck deeper.

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