Chapter 358: Frozen Lover 23

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    Helian Xiao was pushed unexpectedly and staggered, and his eyes became colder when he looked at Lian Qiao.

    "Master is fine, a mere soul-devouring whip can't hurt Master, don't worry." Jun Yan patted Lian Qiao gently to comfort him.

    "Well... I'm glad that Master is fine, I was worried to death..." Lian Qiao wiped her tears, ignored Helian Xiao's murderous eyes, and separated the two intentionally or unintentionally.

    Originally, she wanted Ling Ming to hurt Helian Xiao, but she didn't expect Ling Ming to be so impatient that he even played a trick of borrowing a knife to kill. But

    he didn't even tell her. If she knew in advance, she would have delayed Jun Yan no matter what to prevent her from doing anything bad.

    Now, Helian Xiao was disqualified from the sect competition. The original plan was scrapped, but what made Lian Qiao even more puzzled was that Helian Xiao and Jun Yan got together without knowing when? Lian

    Qiao snuggled in Jun Yan's arms, but her mind was active, thinking about the next plan.

    Just when he was in a state of confusion, Jun Yan suddenly spoke, "Lian Qiao, come with me, I have something to tell you."


    Although she didn't know what Jun Yan wanted to find her for, it was a good opportunity to separate Jun Yan from the male lead, so Lian Qiao nodded without thinking and followed Jun Yan away. The

    neglected Helian Xiao looked at Lian Qiao's back with a gloomy look.

    ——This senior sister of his began to exclude him from the Lingyun Sect and tried her best to frame him.

    Helian Xiao knew that what happened today must have something to do with Lian Qiao, but this extremely stupid woman thought she had done it perfectly and dared to run to him to demonstrate.

    Lian Qiao targeted him and wanted his life, but she also wanted to compete with him for the favor of the master! Lian

    Qiao and himself have always been at odds, and she even instigated Ling Ming to frame him. What else can't she do? If

    she talks to the master alone, she will definitely gossip about her in front of the master!

    This made Helian Xiao's heart rise with strong murderous intent again.

    Sooner or later, he would have to take revenge on Lingyun Sect, and first use Lian Qiao's blood to comfort the spirits of his clansmen in heaven. Except for the master, everyone in Lingyun Sect deserves to die!

    Get rid of Lian Qiao, the thorn in his side, and the master will be his alone.

    Thinking of this, Helian Xiao finally raised a cold smile at the corner of his lips, and his dark eyes seemed to contain an infinite storm, which was very different from his docile and harmless appearance in front of Jun Yan.

    Lian Qiao had no idea that her intentional attempt to separate the two of them had been regarded by Helian Xiao as a fight for favor and provocation, and he hated her to the core and was planning on how to kill her.

    She was following her master to Jun Yan's cave.

    Jun Yan's cave was heavily guarded. There were three or four magic arrays at the entrance. Each array was covered by a violent snowstorm. The raging snow and wind almost blocked out the sun, making it impossible to discern the way forward. Once someone accidentally broke in, they would trigger the mechanism in the magic array and be strangled by the ice blades shot out.

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