Chapter 353: Frozen Lover 18

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    Jun Yan originally wanted to teach Helian Xiao a lesson, after all, his behavior against Lian Qiao today was too blatant, but Ling Hong saw Helian Xiao crying so sadly, and finally let it go.

    Helian Xiao hugged his master and cried for a while, then he felt ashamed and stopped crying.

    As long as his master was with him, he was not afraid of anything.

    However, the only trouble was that

    his master was a member of Lingyun Sect after all, and he was worried that he would be in opposition to the sect in the future, which might make his master embarrassed.

    He still needed to think of a compromise.


    Lian Qiao originally thought that even if Jun Yan was partial to Helian Xiao, he would symbolically punish him for wanting to kill her today. Unexpectedly, Jun Yan just asked Helian Xiao to apologize to her and let it go?

    She just wanted to cripple Helian Xiao, but Helian Xiao actually wanted to kill her!

    If it weren't for the system in hand today, Lian Qiao almost suffered a big loss. How could she be willing to let Helian Xiao go so easily?

    Lian Qiao couldn't swallow this breath anyway, so she simply went to find Ling Ming to provoke him, making Ling Ming hate Helian Xiao even more.

    Today, Helian Xiao was ruthless on the competition stage. While Ling Ming hated Helian Xiao, he also felt deeply wary of him. Bi Xiao didn't look like a cultivator who had just broken through the golden elixir. Maybe he was hiding his strength.

    If so, I'm afraid the champion of this sect competition will have to be replaced.

    Ling Ming has always been the leader of the younger generation of the sect. Some time ago, a chaotic body suddenly appeared in the sect, which has already stolen a lot of his limelight. How could he watch Helian Xiao steal his limelight in this sect competition?

    The next day, Helian Xiao stepped onto the competition stage again.

    Because of the sudden change yesterday, Helian Xiao left a very bad impression in front of everyone in the sect. The disciples who fought with him looked at him with great vigilance and caution. After all, he was not like Lian Qiao who had a heaven-level magic weapon for defense. If he was not careful, his life would be in danger. The

    referee in charge of the safety of the sect disciples was also in high spirits, staring at the two with a sharp eye to prevent the situation of yesterday from happening again.

    However, to everyone's surprise, Helian Xiao was very peaceful today, unlike yesterday's violent temper, and the competition was just a little bit, and no one was hurt.

    After the victory and defeat were decided, he politely saluted the other party with a fist, and then flew off the stage with a light tap of his toes. The young man's gentle and elegant demeanor made others suspect that Helian Xiao was so cruel to Lian Qiao yesterday. Could it be that the two had some personal grudges?

    Today, the master did not come to watch the battle, and Helian Xiao did not stay after the competition. He turned around and wanted to fly back to Lingshuang Peak on his sword.

    However, he was stopped halfway.


    The powerful male voice mixed with spiritual power became more and more sonorous and powerful. When it fell into the ears, it made people's eardrums tremble and their blood surge. If it were an ordinary person, he would probably bleed from all seven orifices and explode to death on the spot after hearing this.

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