Chapter 359: Frozen Lover 24

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    "If Bixiao really hurt you badly, you should complain to me, your master, and let me do justice for you. Why are you complaining to an outsider? Have you followed me for so many years and feel that I have treated you unfairly and cannot do justice for you?"

    "It's not like that... Master... I... I just..." Lian Qiao stood in front of Jun Yan, hanging her head and racking her brains to think of a suitable reason.

    After a moment, she raised her head with tears in her eyes, knelt down at Jun Yan's feet with a plop, confessed her fault and said, "Master... It's all my fault... Since... Since you brought Bixiao back to the sect, you haven't taken care of me as well as before... Because I felt unfair at the moment, that's why..."

    "Disciple knows I was wrong, and I won't dare to do it again next time." Lian Qiao knelt obediently, crying and wiping her tears. She was really an innocent girl who made a mistake.

    Jun Yan frowned, and sighed for a long while. His tone was softer than before, and he said in a light voice: "Bi Xiao has just entered the sect, and his roots and veins are damaged. The master has taken care of him more these days. As a senior sister, you should also be friendly to your fellow disciples. How can you join others to target your junior brother?"

    "The disciple knows his fault and will accept the punishment from the master..." Lian Qiao sobbed and acted hard, looking so pitiful.

    "Forget it, you go to Shuangfeng Cliff to face the wall for a month. You cannot leave without the master's permission." Jun Yan did not blame Lian Qiao too much. Lian Qiao wanted to say something else, but Jun Yan waved his hand to let her leave. He didn't want to listen to her anymore. Lian Qiao

    was unwilling, but she had to shut up and go to Shuangfeng Cliff to face the wall.

    Lingshuang Peak is covered with snow all year round, and Shuangfeng Cliff is no exception. Blizzards often blow.

    In such severe cold, kneeling for a month, if it is an ordinary person, it will be frozen into an ice sculpture in a short time. For a Jindan-stage cultivator like Lian Qiao, although it will not cause internal injuries, kneeling for a month is more or less unbearable.

    Moreover, Lian Qiao is not a cultivator with ice spirit roots. Although she has learned some basic skills from Jun Yan, her tolerance to ice and snow is still far inferior to that of ice spirit roots.

    Even if she is unwilling in her heart, she has to bow her head under the eaves. Lian Qiao came to Frost Wind Cliff cursing and knelt in the raging blizzard. Fortunately, she has the system to protect her body. Although it is uncomfortable, she can still hold on.

    Helian Xiao, who had long wanted to kill Lian Qiao, was worried that he could not find a way to kill her. Hearing that Lian Qiao was punished, it was like sending a pillow when he was sleepy.

    Helian Xiao did not move for a few days and observed. When Jun Yan went down the mountain for something and was not in the peak, he started to act.

    He knew that there was a formation on the Frost Wind Cliff. Once it was activated, the blizzard on the Frost Wind Cliff would immediately strangle Lian Qiao into slag, all in the blink of an eye.

    By then, even if Jun Yan noticed that there was something wrong with the formation mechanism on the Frost Wind Cliff, by the time she returned to Lingyun Sect, Lian Qiao would have been turned into ice slag.

    The young man in a white shirt had clear eyebrows and handsome eyes. He sat on the ice jade bed in his cave. In front of him was a life-size paper puppet. The young man kept changing his hand seals with his hands. A thin layer of black spiritual energy emanated from his body. When the young man cast a spell, his already dark eyes became even darker and darker, like two balls of ink that could not be dissolved, showing a bit of coldness and weirdness.

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