Chapter 329 White Moonlight 104

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    The first ray of sunlight in the morning fell into the ward, dispelling the gloom in the ward.

    The warm morning light awakened the young man who had been sleeping for a long time. His black eyelashes trembled slightly, and he slowly opened his eyes.

    He had a nightmare, and the dream was very chaotic. After waking up, he found that everything was just a dream, which made him feel lucky to have survived a disaster.

    He couldn't remember what he dreamed about, but the despair and pain in the dream that was almost suffocating still lingered in his heart.

    He didn't want to experience such pain for the second time.

    Fortunately, it was just a dream...

    What he saw was the white ceiling of the ward. He was still wearing a ventilator on his face. His eyes slowly moved down, and he suddenly found that there was a thin and skinny figure lying beside his bed.

    Yu Chenbi was stunned. How could she be here?

    She seemed to be very tired and fell asleep on the side of the bed, but she slept very unsteadily, with her thin eyebrows tightly furrowed.

    The man's eyes softened, and he couldn't help but raise his hand and carefully touch her face, trying to smooth out the wrinkles between her eyebrows.

    The person who was still asleep felt the touch, she trembled slightly, then her eyelashes trembled slightly, and she opened her eyes. There

    was still a trace of sleepiness in her hazy and watery eyes, but when she saw him wake up, the sleepiness disappeared immediately -

    "You're awake!"

    She stood up suddenly, rushed out the door in a hurry to call the doctor, and halfway through she remembered that she could just press the bell, so she ran back and pressed the call bell at the bedside.

    "How do you feel? Are you feeling uncomfortable? You've been sleeping for a week, did you know? The doctor said that if you don't wake up, you may never wake up in your life... Do you feel okay? Are you feeling uncomfortable..."

    At the end, Jun Yan's voice was tinged with tears.

    Her questions came one after another like a machine gun, and Yu Chenbi looked at her in a daze, thinking that she was dreaming.

    Otherwise, why would she suddenly be so gentle to him?

    Is it because he helped her block a bullet?

    If he had known earlier that he would be treated like this for taking the bullet for her, he should have arranged a scene of a hero saving a beautiful woman...

    Jun Yan, who had no idea of the other person's messy thoughts, saw that he was just staring at him without saying anything, and suddenly became nervous.

    Could it be that he had left again, and the current Yu Chenbi was no longer himself?

    "Are you okay?" Jun Yan asked tentatively, feeling a little uneasy.

    Without waiting for Yu Chenbi to answer, doctors and nurses filed in and checked various indicators of Yu Chenbi's body. After confirming that everything was normal, the attending doctor nodded, reminded him of some precautions, and left. After

    the examination, the ward became quiet again, with only two people left.

    Jun Yan sat nearby, feeling uneasy. What if Yu Chenbi was no longer himself?

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