Chapter 342 Frozen Lover 7

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    Lian Qiao begged Jun Yan to pass on the "Ice Soul Art" to her, so that Lian Qiao had a reason to practice with Helian Xiao.

    When Jun Yan was around, she practiced obediently, but when Jun Yan was not around, she could not sit still.

    Lian Qiao knew that a great power like Jun Yan in the fusion stage could know everything about the grass and trees even if they were thousands of miles away, but so what?

    She was just a paper man. After she completed her mission and returned to the real world, he would not be afraid of her!

    Lian Qiao ran to Helian Xiao in the name of asking for advice on the skills to show her presence.

    "After all, I entered the sect later than my senior sister, and I have only just begun to understand the path of cultivation. I dare not be arrogant. Senior sister, please don't embarrass me. If you have any questions or confusions, you may go and ask the master." Helian Xiao replied indifferently, being polite and distant to Lian Qiao.

    Lian Qiao's previous behavior of trying to attract attention was regarded by Helian Xiao as a deliberate targeting. If possible, he didn't even want to say these polite words to Lian Qiao, but after all, they were in the same sect, even for the sake of the master, he had to be polite to Lian Qiao.

    Lian Qiao was choked by Helian Xiao, and was about to get angry, but she held it back. Her eyes rolled around, and she immediately came up with a plan. She jumped to Helian Xiao's side, smiled at him with her hands behind her back, and didn't seem to mind his alienation at all, "Do you know why the master accepted you as a disciple?"

    She finally understood that as long as Jun Yan didn't show his true face in front of him for a day, the male protagonist would always foolishly think that Jun Yan was really good to him. What a pitiful little thing.

    In this case, she might as well give him a hint, so that he can see through the true face of this so-called master as soon as possible!

    Only when the male protagonist is hit hard and falls to the bottom, does she have the meaning of appearing.

    "Why?" Although he didn't want to say more to Lian Qiao, the topic she brought up was what Helian Xiao wanted to know the most, so Helian Xiao couldn't help asking.

    Seeing that Helian Xiao was really curious, Lian Qiao smiled smugly, but kept it a secret, "Want to know? Then how about we make a deal?"

    Helian Xiao frowned slightly. He couldn't turn his face away when he needed help from others. He suppressed his impatience and asked patiently, "What deal?"

    "I'll tell you why the master accepted you as a disciple. You..." Lian Qiao looked Helian Xiao up and down, and seemed to be uninterested. "I don't want anything from you, so you promise me that you will answer my doubts about cultivation every day, how about it?" There's

    nothing you want from him?

    Helian Xiao couldn't help but recall the look in Lian Qiao's eyes when they first met, which was full of greed that couldn't be concealed.

    Now she said there was nothing she wanted. Ha, I'm afraid she doesn't even believe it!

    If it is really as she said, and he does not have anything she wants, then why is she so eager to get close to him? She

    even tries every means to get close to him and build a closer relationship with him.

    It is obvious that there must be something about him that attracts her, or that she desperately wants to get.

    I am afraid that what she covets is something she cannot afford at all.

    Thinking of this, Helian Xiao's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he glanced at Lian Qiao with a look full of scrutiny and vigilance, "If you don't want to say it, then I won't ask. The homework ordered by the master has not been completed yet, so I will go first."

    After that, Helian Xiao was about to leave .

When he opened his mouth, Lian Qiao hurriedly called him, "Wait wait! Wait a minute! If you don't want to, then don't want to. Why are you running? Isn't it enough for me to tell you!"

    Helian Xiao paused, and still stopped, looking at Lian Qiao.

    Lian Qiao gritted her teeth. She knew that the male protagonist was not easy to deal with, but she didn't expect that he was a tough guy!

    But it doesn't matter. As long as he finds out the truth, she doesn't believe that she can't find a loophole!

    "I remember that Master once told me that this chaotic spirit body is not only a genius in cultivation, but also a first-class excellent furnace..." Lian Qiao said while looking at Helian Xiao suggestively. Her exposed gaze made Helian Xiao immediately understand the meaning of her words.

    She said that Master wanted to use him as a furnace and use him to cultivate? !

    Helian Xiao was shocked at first, and then his chest began to beat wildly. It turned out that the master wanted him to be the furnace, which meant that he would practice dual cultivation with the master...

    What surprised Helian Xiao was that he didn't have any rejection in his heart. The boy's ears felt slightly hot, and he felt shy for no reason.

    But soon, the cold and desireless face of the master appeared in Helian Xiao's mind, and he woke up immediately. He was actually lusting after his master in his heart!

    Such a beautiful person, he actually used such vulgar and crude thoughts to speculate about her!

    The master saved him, reshaped his spiritual roots, cleansed his marrow and cut his tendons, and gave him the opportunity to practice again. To him, the master was an elder he should respect like his parents. How could he blaspheme the master with such a cheap conjecture!

    Helian Xiao's expression was unpredictable, from shock to anger, "It's ridiculous! It's nonsense! Who told you such a lowly thing? Master is a banished immortal, and you and I can't make it up! I advise you to concentrate on studying the way of cultivation, and don't say such dirty words in the future, let alone mention it in front of Master!"

    Helian Xiao's reaction was really excited, and he felt that he was trying to cover up something.

    In fact, in the world of immortal cultivation, many cultivators would choose to practice dual cultivation with their Taoist partners to speed up their cultivation. Dual cultivation is not as bad as he said, but Helian Xiao himself had shameful thoughts in his heart.

    Lian Qiao was stunned by his rapid-fire accusations. Before she finished speaking, she was accused by Helian Xiao.

    This reaction is wrong. When did Jun Yan brainwash him so thoroughly? He

    didn't believe it at all? !

    "I'll go first, Senior Sister, take care of yourself!" Helian Xiao's handsome face seemed to be flushed with anger, and he walked away in a huff.

    "You!" Lian Qiao wanted to say something, but Helian Xiao didn't want to listen. Lian Qiao had no way to deal with him, and was so angry that he jumped up and down, "Believe it or not!"

    Helian Xiao ignored Lian Qiao behind him, and disappeared at the top of the mountain with a tap of his toes. After flying a long way, he stopped and covered his heart that was beating wildly, as if it was about to jump out of his chest.

    He always respected his master, how could he dare to have such despicable thoughts about her?

    The violent heartbeat in his chest, like a drum, showed the ups and downs in his heart.

    Helian Xiao calmed down for a long time before his chaotic mood calmed down. However, when the master's beautiful face appeared in his mind, he still couldn't help but feel moved.

    He himself didn't know when he had developed such thoughts about his master. If Lian Qiao hadn't mentioned it today, he would never have discovered that he actually had inappropriate thoughts about his master.

The male lead is coming to the bowl(PART 3)Where stories live. Discover now