Content Warning

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I realised I did not include one of these at the start, so I am adding one now - apologies for the lateness of it all.



• Mental health themes (i.e depression, suicidal ideation, anxiety, PTSD)

• Strong language/profanity

• Character deaths

• Abuse
- physical
- mental

• Assault
- physical
- sexual (no graphic descriptions)

• Homophobia and prejudice beliefs

• Heated Arguments

• Smutty smut smut

• Tears (you lot I'm assuming)

• if any others arise, I shall add them.

• Also a female lead that I wrote when I was a teenager during COVID so excuse some of her idiocy. She is also written to be intellectually challenged, so she is somewhat...slow at times.

If any of these topics are triggering or difficult to read, then feel free to skip those chapters or stop reading. No offence taken what so ever. One day I will get around to editing and improving this book, but that day is (unfortunately) not today.

Enjoy lads!
- Nikki Xx

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