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Le Final Update - Enjoy Xx

Seconds, minutes, hours, they all feel the same.

I think my heart might explode from how fast it's beating in my chest. My body wants to make a run for it, either towards Alex for his safety and protection or towards the gun on the floor a few metres away. Let's face it, there's really only one thing I can do: wait for Archer to pull the trigger.

I don't expect anyone to burst out of the trees to save me. I don't expect Alex to miraculously escape all of their bullets to get to me. He and I both know we're stuck.

My hands tremble at my sides and my breathing is erratic. It's so hard not to let my whole body shake and fall to the floor.

I really don't want to die. I really, really don't want to die but in my gut, I know this is the lesser of two evils. We're stuck between a rock and a hard place. Who's to say what Leander will do after this but, as of right now, this is the only option.

Time has slowed to a simple trickle, allowing my nerves to skyrocket.

The nerves in my stomach only get worse as time goes on. It's like that feeling you get when you're blowing up a balloon and you don't know how much more air you can put in it before it pops. I'm just waiting for it to pop.

My senses go on override as my body goes into its fight or flight response - doing what it can to try and keep me alive.

The tears burn my cheeks, working their way down my skin at a painstakingly slow pace. This hurts more than I ever thought it would.

I always thought I'd go peacefully in my sleep one night, never knowing that it happened. It would be painless and peaceful. It wouldn't cause a scene, wouldn't cause unnecessary hurt to those around me, I'd simply drift away and it would all be okay.

I never wanted to die at the hands of someone else but, if it has to be this way, I'm glad it's Archer who's doing this. Not a complete stranger.

"Don't look at me like that." Archer pleads, his eyes looking up towards the sky to avoid facing mine.

I don't say anything. What is there for me to say? I have too much dignity to beg for my life. I won't beg for him to not pull the trigger with pleas that will most likely fall on deaf ears. This was my decision after all.

"Blue, I'm serious." He grounds out. So was I when I said that he has to look me in the eye when he does this. It's his turn to be a man.

He scrunches his eyes shut, the anguish is clear on his face. He doesn't know what to do. "Ugh," he groans, his hand tilting horizontally, "I can't do it." He admits, his arm dropping to his side.

I release a breath but the tears don't stop coming, now out of relief rather than fear. I can feel Alex's relief in the pit of my stomach.

"Fine," Leander speaks up, "Bianca'll do it."

Our eyes both widen and suddenly Archer is grabbing my arm, stealthily shoving his gun in it while twisting me around his back until I've got him in some kind of headlock with the gun pressed against the side of his head. He sends me a 'look' and I nod, playing along with whatever he's planning.

"Don't shoot." Archer shouts, Leander turning back around to see the position Archer has just put us in.

Leander begins to laugh. It's not forced in any way, it's a proper belly laugh as he looks over to us. "Bested by your little sister were you Archie?" He teases.

"Something like that." He holds both his arms in the air as if he's surrendering.

I slowly begin to catch on to what he's doing and take a deep breath. He's too tall for me to hold him in a headlock so I kick him onto his knees, shocking not only him but everyone else watching this go down.

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