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Le Update - Enjoy Xx

I wake up in Alexander's bed, rubbing the sleep from the corner of my eyes with a fist.

Mia, Nick and Gio were all fast asleep in my bed with all three of Alexander's sisters last night, Elara and Kayleigh lying across the foot of the bed while the others were at there head. Alex refused to let me sleep on the sofa downstairs and that's how I ended up in here.

My head is spinning and a headache is already throbbing at my head, threatening to make its way behind my eyes. I groan in pain, rubbing my temples with my hands just in time to hear Mia and Nick. They're screaming in excitement over going downstairs for breakfast.

I hardly slept last night, the events of the evening playing on repeat in my mind, unable to stop them.

**10 hours earlier**

"Give him Hell baby."

Not even a moment later is Alexander bringing my hand forward at lightening speed, the whip cracking painfully in the air before lashing down on Sebastian's back. The largest gash reopens and blood immediately begins to rush down his back, coating the whip and dripping down onto the floor below.

Sebastian cries out in agony, his arms pulling against his restraints as he arches his back away from the searing pain as a futile attempt to get it to stop. A few seconds later he collapses back against the pole, his whole body going limp and his head hung down to the side.

Just the sight of him has me feeling sick to my stomach, a small part of me urging me to help him. No one deserves capitol punishment and, seeing what these wolves have in store for him, I'm appalled by how barbaric they all are.

That being said, an even bigger part of me is telling me he deserves everything he's going to get and more. For everything he's done, it's almost like whatever these wolves have planned isn't harsh enough for him.

This is the problem. I'm so against violence and punishing others with it, no matter what they've done, because it means you're no better than they are. Killing them isn't punishing them in any way, it's simply punishing those who care for them. It's like punishing the innocent ones for his wrong doings which is almost worse than what he did.

But man does Sebastian deserve everything that's coming to him.

These thoughts play over in my head, weighing up both sides of the argument that I can't seem to come to a decision on. I find myself justifying one side then playing my own devil's advocate and arguing against myself to make a point about the other.

Alex slowly brings my arm up with his, holding it high over my shoulder once again, preparing to bring it down on Sebastian's back for a second time.

I expect him to bring his hand down with mine but instead, he slowly peels his fingers off my hand one by one.

"It's all you now." He presses a final kiss on my neck before pulling away.

His hand unwraps from around my waist as he takes a slow step back behind me, putting a small distance between us. My hand remains tense in the air, my arm shaking from how tightly I'm gripping the whip while my knees threaten to buckle beneath me.

What does he expect me to do?

How many times does Alex expect me to bring this whip down against Sebastian's mutilated flesh?

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