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Hello Readers!

Thank you SO MUCH for reading my book!

I am absolutely BLOWN AWAY by how many people have read my book, it's actually crazy!

I honestly really do appreciate every single person who reads this; whether you comment or vote or simply read, all of you make me so happy!

I feel like such a bad person for taking so long to update. It's mostly because I had to keep taking breaks and reorganise my thoughts on that last chapter.

I also spent ages debating who's PoV I was gunna do. I've actually written it 3 ways but I chose to stick with Blue. She's our gal!

I'm not a witch, I do plan on continuing the story but I was starting to stress myself out with updates and keeping myself to a schedule and then I'd spend HOURS writing and editing. Hectic as hell!

I don't even know why I did that to myself but it's just who I am. You guys were all so nice and supportive - whenever I get a comment saying 'thanks for the update' my face breaks out into this massive smile. I really appreciate your support!

So, there WILL BE A SEQUEL / PART 2 of some kind!

I promise! I've already made plans and started on a plot and things. I mean, I can't leave Blue and Alexander like that. That's just cruel!

I was actually going to have another ending but I enjoy writing their story. I've become too invested in their lives to end their story now.

Also, if there's any chapters you'd want to see in Alex's PoV (or someone else's) or something let me know. I'd be more than happy to write it.

I've also got a couple of books I've been writing in my drafts that I'm thinking about publishing as well, since writing one single book at a time starts to get a bit hard. Whenever I got writers block or felt uninspired I would either log off or write another story.

Hopefully when I do get things rolling again my updates will be quick and I don't keep you guys waiting long like I started to do at the end.

I literally got a message on my message board saying I have consistent updates and then I spend like 3 days before I post the next update. Fml.

I still appreciate all feedback and suggestions so let me have it! (Even if it's criticism, I don't mind)

I'm going to take like a week or two break from here to try and get away from the screen but when I come back I'll be writing like the flash!

I will keep you all updated so don't give up on me.

Okay, love you all! Thank you! Kisses all around! Spread love! Stay safe!


-Nikki Xx

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