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Le Update - Enjoy Xx

After yet another gruelling training session, my entire body aches. We've been at this for about a week now and I gotta admit, I hate it. Sure, the gym was fun at one point but once you start going into your third hour you realise how wrong you were.

Today, Alexander decided that not only would we train in the gym but we'd also head out to the field to see the younger kids train. He wants me to have another go at the blasted obstacle course. I get it, I'm 19 and it's a course made for their 6 year olds but come on dude, do you see a tail? Um...no!

"Why can't I just practice on the sofa? Do you have Just Dance 64 or something?" I ask as we walk across the field. He turns to me with furrowed brows. Wait a minute! "You don't know what Just Dance is?!" I gasp.

He just shrugs, "I don't dance."

"I can't dance but it's so fun. Do you guys have any Video Games here?" I further inquire.


Well that's shit. Video Games were literally my childhood. Archer and I used to get home from school and play each other at all our favourite games, him usually winning since when I went out to do running or something he'd keep playing. I guess not having them is good cause that way they don't get addicted. But instead of playing Video Games they're here, in the field. Training.

I guess I know why wolves are stronger than humans, aside from the core physiological and obvious reasons that come with being different species.

"Xan!" Avery comes running over to him and he bends down to hoist her up into his arms. She has her hands on his shoulder, leaning away to look at him with a beaming smile.

"Hey Ava."

"Did you hear? They said I could do the Junior Obstacle Course Level 2!" She grins.

"Did then now?" His tone going more serious making me chuckle.

"Yep, so now I'm better than you." She beams.

"Oh really?" He fake gasps as we continue our walk through the field.

"Uh huh. I went so quickly. I climbed and I jumped and I was running so fast!" She grins, dramatically moving her arms about to demonstrate what she did. She accidentally elbows him in the jaw making me laugh since he really wasn't expecting it and had to recoil.

She starts to wriggle in his arms and, once we stop walking, he puts her down only for her to square up.

"I can beat you!" She announces confidently.

"Is that a challenge?" He raises an eyebrow at his little sister, a sly smile tugging at the edge of his lips.

"You bet it is!" She sticks her tongue out at him.

"Well I accep-" He doesn't even finish his statement before she's kicked him in the shin.

I find it hilarious, stepping back to allow the siblings to battle it out. Alexander humours her little attacks but ultimately wins, holding her upside down in the air by her ankle.

"Hmpft." She pouts, crossing her arms across her chest while her hair dangles messily below her. "You cheated."

"No, I won." He counters, throwing her up into the air to catch her waist on her way down and start to tickle her.

"No!" She squeals, writhing in his grip to try and get him to stop. She attempts to pry his hands off but to no avail, "let me gooooo-ooooo!" Her laughter fills the field. "Xan stop!" She begs but he doesn't.

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