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By the way - those of you who hate Alex will probably hate this chapter.

Shorter than usual but longer than the last.
Le Update X2 - Enjoy Xx

That's right. I'm still here.

I've been in here since yesterday and my only entertainment has been this blasted chain. I can't get far enough around the room to reach anything to pass the time, the only place I can reach is the bathroom.

As promised, food was brought up to me yesterday and has been today. I refused to eat last night so Alex personally came up to feed me. I didn't put up much of a fight, deciding it'd be better to keep my integrity over throwing a bowl at his head.

I'm pretty sure he'd be even angrier at me if I did that.

It's now the afternoon and I haven't seen Alexander since this morning. He still stayed in the bed last night but I put as much distance between us as I could, making sure to rattle the chain as much as I could in hopes he would feel guilty and unchain me.

He didn't.

He only chuckled at my petty actions. I eventually stopped because the noise was really starting to get to me.

I had a conversation with Mia through the door and she now thinks I'm on a 'time out'. She slid a picture under the door for me which I couldn't exactly reach but I told her it was amazing anyway.

"I'm so bored." I whine once again. I can't be totally ungrateful since he did tell me the torture I would have had to endure and this is nowhere near as bad.

I broke their laws and under normal circumstances if he punished for that. I've been given a sort of 'special treatment' since I'm Alex's mate and I can't be mad about that. I'm technically a 'criminal' right now, a small smirk tugs at my lips from that thought.

I've already turned all his towels into origami sculptures and reorganised his clothes in the cupboard so that they're all neatly put away rather than the mess they were before. He knows how annoying I find messes.

I spent some time this morning trying to find a way out of the cuff but I recon they're made for wolves. There's no keyhole for me to try and pick the lock through and when I followed it to where it's chained to, I found he's put some kind of metal loop on the floor. If it was attached to the bed I could have broken the wood or something but I won't be able to break 3 inch steel.

The material on the inside of the cuffs must have been added. I can't see Alexander caring about his prisoner's comfort in the cells.

I lie back on the mattress, watching as the sun sets and the ceiling slowly gets darker from the shadow. I hear someone at the door but don't bother look. It's probably one of the boys bringing me food again.

"Blue," I can hear the defeated tone of his voice, "You need to eat." He comes over and places a tray down on the bed beside me. I can't help but feel a bit happy that he came upstairs rather than one of the boys.

"Fine." I sit up, looking at the plate of food he brought up. I move my chained arm to reach it but stop just before, "Oh, can't reach it. Sorry." I shrug.

"Blue, I'm not doing this out of spite." He motions to the chain attached to my wrist.

"Then take it off." I hold my wrist out towards him.

"Can I trust you?" He raises his eyebrow at me. His words hit me just as painfully as before. I don't like that he doesn't trust me.

"Blue," he sits down on the side of the bed, reaching across and pulling the tray towards him, "why did you really go to Leander?"

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