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Le Update - Enjoy Xx
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Blue's PoV
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If he thinks I'm just going to sit around and wait for him to save the day like he's my knight in shining armour and I'm some fucking damsel in distress, he's got another thing coming.

I gave up slamming my hand on the door and screaming like a banshee about 20 minutes ago. Now I'm pacing back and forth, allowing my brain to overthink in order to come up with a plan.

What can I use against them?

I know there's a guard stationed outside my door and I know he has the key. All I need to do is either get the key and find a way out, which isn't very plausible since there are still quite a few more guards stationed down here who can stop me, or I find a way to get him to let me out.

"Excuse me? G-guard?" I make myself sound more nervous than I am, stepping towards the silvery metal door.

I receive a grunt in reply, "I uh...I don't feel so good." I admit.

"Nice try Luna, you're not the first person to try that with us." His chuckle echoed through the cell.

"No, I'm serious.. I don't feel so good." I repeat.

"Luna, we are under strict orders from Alpha Black to keep you in there and keep you safe." He sounds completely fed up with me at the point.

Alright Blue, step it up a notch.

"I know...I just-I don't feel... I feel-" I collapse to the floor. Oh fuck that hurt. Son of a bitch! I didn't think this through, that hurt like hell.

"Shit!" I hear him curse, closely followed by the sound of the door being unlocked. It opens with a loud screech and then I feel a hand on my wrist checking for my pulse. He wouldn't dare touch my neck.

"What's going on? Why is her door unlocked?" Someone orders. Okay, this is getting way more serious than I thought it'd be.

"She collapsed sir." The guard holding my wrist answers.

"Why? What happened?"

"I don't know. She said she wasn't feeling well and then next thing I know she's on the floor." The man defends, letting go of my wrist.

The guard, who I've determined to be his boss, growls in frustration, "Take her to medical."

I feel two arms pick me up, one under my knees and the other on my back, and I get carried away. The boss mumbles something about Alex killing him because of this and I have to bite my cheek to keep from snickering.

He carries me out of the dungeons, his feet crunching against the undergrowth.

Okay Blue, now's your chance. Take a deep breath and...

I throw myself to the side, sending myself flying out of his arms and crashing onto the floor. I jump up to my feet as fast as I can and hardly spare the guard a glance when I take off into the trees.

I can hear his feet pounding against the floor behind me, chasing me down as I run through the undergrowth.

"Stop! Luna!" He chases, managing to grab my wrist and spin me back around to face him.

"Let go of me!" I shout, trying to detach my hand from his grip.

"No, you're coming with me." His grip tightens and he begins to pull me back towards the way we came.

"Stop, I need to hel-"

There's a loud bang and suddenly the guard falls to the floor in front of me, something sticky splashing across my face. I jump back in fright, a low squeal leaving my lips. My eyes trail up from his body, seeing his blood staining the ground in front of me.

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