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Hello again! I hope you all had an AMAZING Christmas and New Year!!! I spent a lot of free time writing the next lot of chapters and was going to post them but wasn't sure if I wanted to post them during the holidays since it's usually when people spend time with their family and stuff. I dunno really, I just thought I'd wait until the new year. Don't hate me!!

Also, I now have over 600 reads. Like, WTF?? Anyway, here's the next instalment! Le update - enjoy ! Xx


"What's going on here?" A deep voice booms from behind me, vibrating from the chest my back is now leant against and through my whole body. I sigh in relief as a strong smell of cologne floods my nostrils.

"Alpha I-" Ryan starts to explain when I look back and notice how his eyes aren't scowling at Ryan but at his hand that is grabbing my wrist. He notices and drops my wrist which I know is now bruised. I snatch it into my chest and cradle it with my other hand.

In the blink of an eye Alpha Black has him pinned against the wall by his collar, his feet barely reaching the ground. "I said, what's going on?" He growls at the wolf.

"This human bitch was-" He starts to explain but gets slammed into the wall, this time much harder causing him to visibly wince.

"Why are you touching my mate?" He emphasises in a dark and angry tone. I watch as the wolf's face goes white as a ghost at the words, clearly terrified.

"Alpha, I didn't realise she-" He tries to plead his way out of it, still struggling in his Alpha's mighty hold.

"And how dare you speak of your Luna like that." He snarls in his face, his voice scarily coming out as a duel voice, kind of like two people talking simultaneity.

Now this really terrified the wolf, his face dropping, clearly knowing the consequences that come for such an offence. I still have so much to learn. I feel somewhat flattered at his protectiveness over me and can't stop the small smile from forming on my lips.

"Blue-" Harry appears at the end of the corridor with wide eyes but quickly makes his way over to the scene.

"Take him to the cells." Alpha Black chucks Ryan to the floor at Harry's feet.

"Alpha." He nods. Harry is quick to grab him by his collar and drag him away with us.

Almost instantly Alpha Black turns back around to face me, worry etched through his features as he scans me with his...red eyes? He seems to be looking for injuries but I just send him a weak smile of reassurance. "Did he hurt you?" He growls, his eyes landing on where I am clutching my wrist.

"I-I'm fine." I shake my head but all he does is motion me inside his office and close the doors behind him. Once inside he instantly wraps his arms around me. I remain somewhat frozen by his actions, not quite sure what I'm supposed to do now. My entire body reacting to his touch, engulfing me in heat and a strong tingling sensation.

He nuzzles his head into my neck and deeply inhales a few times and I, weirdly, find it comforting. His breath on my neck has me shivering in his arms, goosebumps rising on my skin.

I remain in his arms for a few blissful moments before he steps back, his eyes now their bright green again. His arms slowly slide from around my back to my shoulders and then down my arms to my now bruised wrist. He clutches my wrist carefully in one hand and uses his other to brush his fingertips over the newly forming bruise.

"He hurt you." He states angrily.

"It's not that bad this time-" I cut myself off and quickly cover my mouth with my free hand. I'm such a snake!

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