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AN: This is a shorter chapter than usual since that last was SO FUCKING LONG. I mean, why did I even make it that long? It must've been so boring to read.

I honestly got bored mid edit and was like the comments will tell me if I'm wrong. The 'it's you're instead of your' comments help cause I usually change it pretty quickly.

Anyway, here's the next one. I'll get back to usual length after this, sorry. Le Update - Enjoy Xx

The engine of the car hums quietly. Softly splashing water droplets hit the car windows as we drive onwards. The skies are overhung with a blanket of grey, so much so that I can barely tell the difference between the sky and clouds.

My eyes wonder over the outside, starting at the upset sky and moving down over the forlorn forest. The mountains that the Northern Pack so desperately want come into view indicating we're almost outside their territory and in the 'Gap' as the wolves call it.

It's the small kilometre or so stretch of land between two boarders to prevent any accidental crossing of pack lines and easy travel between packs. That way there's no unintentional wars or broken alliances.

I watch the massive trees rustle, their branches attacking one another in the wind. The further south we travel the less snow present on the ground, the trees becoming a mixture of evergreen and deciduous.

I sigh, turning to look over at Alexander on the other side of the vehicle. His reddened eyes glare angrily out the window but his hand is still holding mine in the middle. My thumb runs carefully over the swollen bruises on his knuckles hoping it doesn't hurt. When he winces I takes my hand away but he pulls it right back into his so I assume he doesn't care if it hurts.

Nor does he care about his split lip or the scratch down his arm. Or the slight crook in his nose. Or his black eye. The bruise had begun as a purple stain above his eyebrow but then sunk into the socket itself, and so now it has the appearance of a black eye.

My heart hurts seeing him in this state, my gut twisting in disgust at the reasons why he got these marks on his body.

"You know I'm right." Henry laughs as he eyes me up and down. "Nothing but a filthy human whore."

Alexander's fist comes crashing down on his jaw with so much force a sickening crack echoes round the room seconds later. You don't need to be medically trained to know that that's a broken jaw right there.

Henry had stood up and snapped his jaw back into place only to have it re-broken by Alex. Again and again. He only stopped when one of Henry's guards decided to grab me, his rage changing focus from the derogatory Alpha to his equally idiotic guard. Let's just say Henry is going to need a new window again.

The day had gone so well before that. Well, as well as it could go with the brewing dispute that is bound to occur between Alexander and Henry. Those few punches were hardly anything compared to what happens later.

I woke up in the warm embrace of Alex, his arms wrapped securely around me with his face in my neck. It's almost like we didn't move at all in the night.

He coerced me awake by peppering kisses along my shoulder and neck which, I admit, tickled the hell out of me.

I didn't want to get cold when getting dressed so cheeky little me got Alex to carry my bag to the bed so that I can change under the duvet. That way I'm hidden whilst changing as well as staying warm the whole time.

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