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AN: I hope everyone is staying safe! I'm going to try and update more so quarantine isn't so boring but I'm not going to make any promises since I'm still doing school and things. Anyway, enjoy the chapter. Le Update - Enjoy Xx

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I shoot up in bed, frantically looking around for the source. It takes no time for me to spot Mia crying in a ball across from me, clutching her stomach tightly with her arms.

"It hurts." She cries.

"Oh, Mia." I hurry out of bed and am crouched down beside her side of the bed. I raise my hand and rub it across her cheek, ignoring the blistering feeling of her burning skin. "Baby, it's going to be okay." I rub her cheek with the pad of my thumb.

I'm honestly so lost. I have no idea what to do. I'm not a doctor or that medically trained, all I know how to do is stitch up a cut because that's all I needed to learn at Outpost 5. Stitching cuts and hiding bruises. That's it.

"Blue, it hurts." She whines yet again.

"I know sweetie, I know." I finally pull my hand away when the burning becomes too much for me, my hand throbbing in pain. I wish I didn't have to let her go.

I push myself to my feet and hurry into the bathroom, grabbing a towel and running it under the cold tap water. I return to Mia and dab the towel on her forehead, hoping it would help to cool her down.

I feel so useless.

What am I supposed to do?

"You're going to be okay Mia." I try to reassure her. She's burning up, her skin sheet white and covered in a sheen of cold sweat. Her eyes are struggling to open, the dark bags underneath making her look like she hasn't slept in days.

"I don't like it." She cries. "Make it go away." She cries, grasping onto my hand. "Please make it stop." She sobs.

Whoever you are, the one who keeps speaking in my head, please tell me how to help her! Please!

I know the idea is stupid, to ask a weird voice in my head, but I don't know what to do.

I cannot, this is not healable.

What do you mean not healable? What's wrong with her? Will she be okay?

My head floods with questions and my body fills with worry. My hands shake in nervousness as I stroke Mia's cheek to try and comfort her in any way possible.

The only other option is to take her to Natalie but how in the hell am I supposed to get her to the Hospital? I don't know where it is and even if I did, I can't drive.

"Mia, I will be right back. I promise, I'll only be a minute." I place a kiss to her forehead.

"Blue-" she weakly reaches for me making me frown. She's doesn't deserve to be in this sort of pain. I can see the agony written all over her face.

"I'll be one minute. Can you count to 60 for me? Like we practiced, yeah?" I push her hair out her face and behind her ear.

"One...two..." she begins counting in her croaky voice making me smile. I kiss her forehead one more time before exiting the room.

I walk down the corridor to his room. My nerves cause my hand to shake. I'm about to wake a Werewolf up. I'm about to wake an Alpha Werewolf up. I'm about to wake up the King Alpha Werewolf.

Oh god.

My stomach drops and my entire being begins trembling at what might happen. He won't be happy if I wake him up, nobody likes being woken up in the middle of the night. I don't even know what time it is.

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