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Because you asked - here it is. A shorter than usual aftermath chapter.

Le Extra Update - Xx

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Louis' PoV
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Man after man. Vampire after vampire. They all fall, down to the very last one.

I rest my hand on a nearby tree, trying to catch my breath before going on a search for Harry. I know he's alive, our link is still there, but I don't know how hurt he is. He's learnt how to block his pain from the link so I can't feel it.

Once I can breathe somewhat normally again I'm hurrying through the trees in search of Harry. "Harry? Honey? Where are you?" I call, doing the same in the mind link.

I'm okay. I just can't move.

My wolf goes into a frenzy from his words, racing around like crazy in my mind as I search for him. He's panicking and so am I.

My wolf uses his heightened senses to find him, directing me further uphill until I see his scruffy mop of hair sticking out from underneath a...boulder?

"Shit!" I sprint over, seeing the massive rock crushing his left leg.

"I can't get it off." He pulls at it with his hands, ignoring the hundreds of other injuries littering his body. My poor baby.

"It's okay, it's okay." I wrap one of my arms around him as I mind link some troops. I definitely can't lift this on my own. "Talk to me Harry...tell me about the pup we want, yeah?"

He lets out a small laugh at my attempt to distract him, "I thought you said we weren't ready to have one."

"Ah, but what do I know? I'm an idiot." I shrug. I'll have a thousand pups with him if it means he's happy.

"Alright," he chuckles, leaning back against me as I sit just behind him, "if we did have a pup, would you want a girl or a boy?"

"Oh...I don't know." I ponder his question before turning it around on him instead.

"A boy would be fun but having a little girl would be so cute. We could do her hair and teach her about make up, not that I know a lot about it, but I'll get Kayleigh to teach me or something." He goes off on a gleeful little ramble that has my smile growing.

"So you want a girl?" I conclude.

"I'd be happy with either. Maybe we have a boy first and then a girl second, that what he can protect her." He comes up with the idea and I nod along. Kind of like Alex and his sisters. Though Alex is really overprotective.

A group of men eventually arrive and, with great effort, we manage to lift the boulder from on top of his leg. I pull Harry out the way before they drop it again. He cries out in pain as I do and when I take a look at his leg it's completely shattered. If I didn't know it was a leg I'd think it was some kind of pudding Mia makes.

"Is it okay?" Harry looks at me, tears welling in his eyes. He doesn't look at his leg, the fear to take a floor clear on his face.

"Uh..." I give him a sad, sympathetic smile, "It's probably broken but you'll be fine." Lies. All lies. He knows it's a lie but chooses to not mention it.

"Beta-" one of the group tries to get my attention.

"Check for survivors." I answer before he has a chance to question me. My focus remains solely focused on my beautiful mate beside me.

Where's Blue when you need her? She's getting better at that healing thing, she can help Harry.

Xan? Where are you? Hellooooooo!

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