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I cradle Mia on my lap in the corner of the room, out of view of the windows and doors. I wrap a blanket close to us in order to hide her in my arms as she quietly sobs in fear. I put on a brave face for her but I'm actually terrified.

Mixed amongst the ground shaking sirens and the loud howls and growls of the wolves, is the echo of buildings being hit or destroyed as their bricks crumble to the floor. Loudest of all are the cries of humans and their deafening screams that will surely haunt me for weeks to come.

A sudden crash causes me to jump and Mia to scream into my shoulder in a futile attempt to stay quiet. I shush her as the sound of glass hitting the floor echoes from the other room. Yet, I hear no movement. I debate whether or not to go see but my brain gets the best of me and I gently place Mia on the floor beside me. She shakes her head no and tightly grasps onto my hand.

"Shh." I mouth to her as I hold my finger to my lips. She gently nods her head and cuddles her shaking form deeper into her blanket, her eyes being the only thing peeking out from her safety blanket. I gently step away from her, her eyes pleading me to not move but I can't stop myself now.

My feet gently step on the old wooden floorboards, knowing which ones creek and which don't. The closer I get to the door the harder my heart hammers inside my chest. If there is something behind that door, there's no way I'd be able to fend it off but I'd try my best. I can just about make out the creek of a floorboard on the other side, telling me there really is something there.

My hands tremble and my eyes water as I reach my hand towards the door knob. Something is behind there and it was anything but good. My body feels hot and sweat starts trickling down my neck. I gently grip ahold of it tightly and slowly twist it. With every move I make, I get more and more terrified. My breath quickens as I hear the creaking of the door. Suddenly everything is silent and behind the door is just darkness. Once I see that there's nothing there my tense body relaxes and I release a breath.

All too soon.

All of a sudden a face appears amongst the darkness. A pale white silhouette and my heart drops. It's dark, lifeless eyes sit firmly in its sockets as it examines my being. I feel frozen on the spot as its eyes trail over my hidden figure and yet his remains hidden in the darkness.

My adrenaline suddenly hits me and I am quick to close the door and yet it stops before it can close completely. I look up and see a pale white hand sticking through the gap. Mia screams from behind me and I can hear a deep chuckle from between his icy blue lips.

Despite me putting all my strength into pushing the door shut it manages to pry it further open. All of a sudden its head peeks in with an evil glint in its' dead eyes and a sadistic smirk on its face. Black hair sits gelled flat atop the head and two long white fangs suddenly elongate between its lips.

"I'm going to enjoy this." It smirks as I continue to try and push it out. "And look," the eyes turn to Mia as it slams the door open and I roll across the room, "you have dessert."

"Get away from her!" I shout when suddenly I spot the door to the apartment slammed open. It turns to see who it is and suddenly he's tackled to the floor by...Harry?

"We've got to stop meeting like this." He remarks as he looks up at me. It suddenly hisses at him and Harry is quick to land a series of blows at it before pulling its head clean off its body.

"Mummy!" Mia screams and I motion for her to run over to me. She does exactly that and I wrap her tightly in my arms with a grateful smile that she is okay.

All of a sudden we hear more crashes and Harry stands tall in front of us as a group of Pales stand in our doorway. Mia cowers behind my legs and I hold my hands up slightly in a way of protecting her from the pales before us. We're going to die.

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