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AN: As promised.
Le Update - Enjoy Xx

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***46 hours earlier***

Alexander holds me close to him as we approach The Stage. He growls at anyone who so much as looks after me, let alone touches me. Man is he being overly possessive.

The guard on The Stage has already begun the punishment, his voice booming over the low murmur of the expansive crowd that came as a result of the alarm. It's their way of making sure everyone knows to come.

There's nothing rushed or frantic about Alexander's movements, he strides confidently towards The Stage where Louis is stood to the side of the wooden structure with the boys.

"What's going on?" Alex asks with a bored sigh.

"The guards picked up someone they deem to be a 'prisoner'." Louis answers.

"And you couldn't mind link me that?" He glares at Louis

"No. I couldn't." He fires back, pointing over his shoulder with his thumb. I gasp when I see what's before me.

I can feel Alex is equally appalled at the sight before him. In a matter of seconds he has released his hold on my hand and jumped up onto the stage, ignoring the steps entirely.

The guard I recognise and am all too familiar with, holds his leather whip high in the air. He moves to bring the whip down on the 'prisoner' but I can't cover my eyes with my hands or else I'll receive the same fate. I prepare to witness the barbaric act when Alex's hand grabs the guard's forearm, stopping him mid swing.

With a loud growl and one swift movement he's ripped the whip from his hand and chucked the guard across the surface of the wood.

"This punishment is over." He growls to everyone witnessing it. The crowd all appear to release a breath of relief at his words.

My feet move on their own accord and I'm rushing over to the steps that I'm all too familiar with. There's no way I could jump up onto The Stage like the other boys.

I race over to the 'prisoner' who just so happens to be a kid, no older that 10, who's chained to the pole. I place my hand on his back and he flinches away from me so I retract my hand.

"You're okay, no one is going to hurt you." I attempt to reassure him. He turns his face from being hidden against the wood to face me with tears in his eyes.

"Promise?" He whispers.

"I promise." I send him a reassuring smile as best I can. "Let's get these off, yeah?" I motion to the chains binding his wrist in place. He simply nods his head so I stand up and turn to face the boys who are stood near Sebastian.

I thought Alex said Sebastian was to remain in the wall until his investigation was over, clearly someone let him out. Sebastian is behind held at the throat my Liam, his claw extended to press against Sebastian's jugular.

I take a deep breath and cautiously move towards Sebastian. "Can I have the keys?" I hold my hand out towards him, knowing exactly where he keeps them on his person.

He doesn't even spare me a glance, just turns his head away from me.

"She asked you a question." Alex snarls, grabbing his chin and manually turning his head.

"I don't have them." He growls, a look of disgust on his face when he finally looks a me.

"He keeps them on the back loop of his belt." I mutter, hoping one of the others will get it for me since I refuse to step any closer. His neck may be restrained but his arms certainly aren't and I don't want him touching me. Never again.

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