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AN: I replied to someone's comment saying I'd update yesterday but I was busy binging on Netflix so didn't get around to it. My bad.
Le Update - Enjoy Xxx

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"Ah, so you know my name this time. I'm flattered." He smirks, stepping out the shadows to reveal his lanky pale body in nothing more than a pair of leather trousers. A bit gaudy if you ask me.

Liam splutters beneath me, coughing blood up and turning his head to spit it out. No, no, no. That's not good. Spitting up blood is never good!

"Don't come any closer!" I send Kimon the harshest glare I can muster. He jumps back with a playful look, holding his hands up in the air as a mock surrender.

"Come now, it's just gotten interesting." He grins. I turn back to Liam, focusing on trying to keep him alive.

"It's funny really. You're locked away down here with the Gamma bleeding out, no hope of survival, while that big bad Alpha mate of yours is nowhere to be seen." He chuckles at the situation.

"Don't listen to him Liam, you're going to be fine." I reassure in full sincerity. I'm not going to let Liam die. He's not going to die on me, not today, not ever.

"And to think, he promised to protect you with his life." He steps closer, motioning to Liam on the floor. "He certainly lived up to that promise now didn't he?"

***36 hours earlier***


It's like my words fall on dead ears when he doesn't say anything at all for a significant length of time. Hello! Anyone in there?! Don't go brain dead on me now Alexander.

"Baby, don't get mad." He steps towards me once again.

"I said explain, not empathise." I snap. The pit in my stomach slowly grows the more he doesn't speak.

My brain is immediately thinking the worst and what that human said in the cells ages ago flashes through my mind. Is he just using me for pups? Keeping that beautiful girl to be his real Luna or even Felicity.

"Okay." He steps closer to me once again. "I'm going to show you what happened, I'll show you."

"How are you going to show me?" I mock. Is he delusional as well as stupid. I think I'm probably right when I thought he was brain dead, he clearly is.

"Mates can see one another's memories, it comes with the bond." My jaw drops. Okay, so what other cool things can mates do. So far we can feel the other person's emotions, feel their pain, read their mind and talk to their mind, I can calm his moody ass down and they give you butterflies whenever you see or touch them.

"Fine, show me." I fold my arms as if to say 'prove it', waiting expectantly to see this happen.

"I'm going to have to touch you. We haven't mated so it won't work otherwise." He holds his hands up but doesn't touch me. "Can I touch you?" He asks, his hands just hover in the air.

"Okay, but this better not be some stupid ploy to touch me." I warn, stepping closer to him so that his hands can reach me. His hands come up and hold my face, cupping my cheeks in his hands.

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