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AN: Sorry for the way I left the last chapter! Thought since we're probably all in isolation and deserve an update, I'd hurry and write this one today.
Le Update - Enjoy Xx

I failed her.

His heavy footfall thumps down the corridor, the door being slammed so hard open that it almost flies right off its hinges. He's by my side in an instant, already looking for a threat that isn't there.

"Blue?" He furrows his brows at me, my frantic hands trying anything that could possibly bring her back.

"Come on, come on. Please work, please." His usually calming presence just stresses me out more.

"Blue." He puts his hand on my shoulder but I shrug it off. I don't care what you have to say, if you're not going to help then get out!

"No." I snap, continuing to get her to wake up. One more smile. One more giggle. One more silly dance battle. One more singing performance. One more hissy fit. One more anything.

I hear the sliding of the curtains being ripped open behind me, the metal scratching on metal causing me to shiver in disgust. I hate that noise.

"Please. Please be okay." I hold her head, willing her to breathe again.

Next thing I know her body is writhing in the bed, rolling and contorting in all different directions. I jump in surprise but refuse to let go of her hand.

"Blue, let go." Alexander warns.

"But-" He rips my grip off of her and pushes me behind him. I stand there shocked, the tears still running down my cheeks. He picks her small body up into his arms and makes his way out the bedroom.

If he thinks I'm staying here, he is very much mistaken. I run right out the room behind him, chasing after him as he moves through the house with her in his arms.

He places her in the middle of the field outside and I was running past him to reach her when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me away.

"No!" I struggle in his grip. "Alexander, let go!" I fight against his hold. I somehow manage to free my wrist and stumble but continue my route away from him and to her side.

His growl rumbles when his hands shoot out, one wrapping around my wait and arms and the other around my shoulders, holding me immobile against his chest.

"Please," I cry, my tears rolling off my face and dripping onto his arm, "let me go to her." His grip loosened and I can feel regret in the bottom of my stomach but he doesn't let me go.

Instead, he leans his head next to my ear to whisper, "Watch." His breath tickles my neck but I hardly react to his touch, my brain and body too preoccupied with the darling girl in front of us. My darling girl.

He removes his head from my neck, placing his lips on the top of my head in a caring manner. I have to stop my eyes from rolling at him. I refuse to stay here, still attempting to wiggle out of his grip but when I hear an earth shattering snap I freeze.

My head snaps up to where she lies, her spine now broken. "Get off of me!" I try even harder to get out of his grip that only tightens around me. I growl in frustration, attempting to kick his shin but even when I do he hardly flinches.

There's another crack, this time sounding like a shatter. Her body distorts in a way that it definitely shouldn't, her entire body looking like a robot that had been misassembled.

"Alexander, let go please. Please." I beg him, repeating it over and over again in an attempt to get him to let me comfort her. I have no idea what's going on but it looks painful and she doesn't deserve this. No one does.

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