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AN: Felt bad for the wait so,
Word count: 14,414

Le Update - Enjoy Xx

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The journey to the North is long. I had only just finished packing my bag when Alexander had come in and told me the car was ready.

I hurried downstairs to find Mia and gave her the tightest hug I could. The departing was tearful and if she hadn't started bawling I probably would have been okay. But I cried as well.

Mia and I have almost never spent any time apart, nothing longer than a day, 2 at tops. Like that time I was taken and beaten by the wolves in Outpost 5 because they thought I had stolen some bread. They kept me in their precious little cell for 2 days before I was released. Normally stealing meant death but I had a 'pretty little face' they didn't want to mess up.

When we left the house after another big hug from Mia, I spotted Dominic was already sat in the driver's seat of the second vehicle, the first and third containing other warriors of the pack.

Alexander took my bag to the boot of the second car before opening the door for me to get in. I sighed, knowing I have no choice, and slid into the seat. Looking back, I remember waving to Mia in the window with Louis standing behind her.

The only other wolves I know who have come along are Harry and Liam. Liam is in the first car whilst Harry is in the third, I presume this is strategic on their part in case of an attack.

The journey out of their Pack was different to when Mia and I had arrived. We had driven along a similar road past all the training wolves and their grounds, ending up at the same manned gates at the boarder. The guards didn't even hesitate to open the doors. I'm assuming they can feel the power of Alexander radiating off of the cars and don't want to piss him off by taking too long to open the gates.

Memories of when we first arrived at the Capitol flash through my mind. Sitting in the back of the car with Mia being entertained by Liam and his bandana. She was so tiny and shy back then.

When the cars reach a checkpoint with various roads to take, they turn left further into the forest rather than continue straight. That's where the Outposts are located, my mind making a mental note.

Alexander is in the seat beside me, one hand rests on his lap while the other rests on mine. He holds my thigh in a loving manner, my entire body loving the way it makes me feel. His eyes are shut and he's resting his head back against the headrest of his chair, his mouth slightly gaped open. His breaths are coming out slow and even, making me think he's asleep.

The sun has been set for well over a couple hours now, the forest and surrounding trees pitch black around us. The only light coming from the car headlights, not even the moon can illuminate the route we're taking.

"You should sleep." Alexander makes me jump when he breaks the silence. In the limited light I can only just make out the outline of the right side of his features when he turns to look at me. "It's a long drive, we won't be there until sunrise."

What? I'm going to be in this tin can for hours. I really hate going in cars, they aren't a good way to travel and, I admit, they scare me a little. I'm not entirely sure why I've got this irrational fear but I do. I just hate cars.

I sigh, agreeing with him. It's probably the best idea he's come up with in a while. I attempt to rest my head against the window but the uneven forest floor jerks the car around making me slam my head against the glass repeatedly. Wow, that's comfortable.

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