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AN: I'm glad to see you guys are liking the book! Love the feedback! So, here y'are, Le Update - Enjoy Xx

I lie awake, staring at the ceiling of Alexander's room. Although it's plain white, there's a small mark just above me that has my eyes mesmerised.

Alexander is still out doing his Alpha duties. The past few days I've been on bed rest and he's brought various files in to do some of his work at the table across the room. I don't know what kind of work it is but I just assume it's something to do with pack laws or policies or something. Wait, do wolves even have policies?

Like I've said before, I really don't know enough about wolves.

He had insisted I stayed in his room so that he could keep an eye on me and to make sure I could get some rest. He's had Liam and Harry looking after Mia for the past few days since they're her favourites, and she has joined me for lunch in here everyday.

The door opens but I don't have to look away from the oh so interesting mark on the ceiling to know it's Alexander. He closes the door and immediately makes his way to the bathroom, something I now know he does everyday and it's not even been a week of me staying in his bed.

I swear I've spoken to him more in these past few days than I have in the whole month and a bit of being here. I don't think I'm complaining.

"Why are you still awake?" His voice interrupts my thoughts.

I let out a sigh, "Can't sleep." The bed dips beside me so I turn my head to face him, seeing him in a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a teeshirt.

I know he finds it uncomfortable sleeping fully clothed like that but he does it so I don't feel uncomfortable. He had originally offered to sleep on the couch in the corner of the room but I refused to let him do that, as did he when I opted to do it.

"Why?" He turns to face me, lying on his side and propping his head up on his fisted hand.

I've been trying to sleep for a while now but I keep getting this feeling that I need to remember something but I can't remember what it is. It's eating away at my brain and I know I need to remember it, I know it's important. I just can't remember what it is. God, it's exams all over again!

He takes my silence as an answer and raises his free hand to caress my cheek, "You're safe here, no Vamp is going to get to you. You're mine, they'll have to go through me first." There's a growl like rumble in his voice but his words have a smile growing on my face.

His hand brushes a loose strand of hair behind my ear, my eyes subconsciously closing in bliss for a moment before I snap them open instead. This is Alpha Alexander Black. The ruthless murderer. The man who suppressed humans and treats us like shit. The man who...who cares for me and Mia. The man who saved me from a Pale and a knife. The man who is softly caressing my cheek with his warm hand.

His eyes connect with mine, giving me a serious look. "Sleep." A small red glow flashes around his eyes as he speaks, my eyes suddenly getting really heavy and struggling to stay open.

"What did y-" I can hardly mutter the words before I feel myself becoming heavy, sleep overcoming me all too quickly. I try to stay awake but it's like I've lost feeling of my whole body as it all becomes heavy. Any attempt to move is futile as I slip in and out of darkness.

"Goodnight, Blue."

I'm surrounded by never ending blackness, my whole body shivering in the cold air. My teeth chatter noisily as I slide my feet along whatever surface I'm on, not sure how even it is and not wanting to fall.

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