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AN: I do apologise, Chapters 19-21 weren't my best work. I went back and read them and was like this is so dull. So, this chapter was not written at 2am when my insomnia is keeping me up but during the day when my brain actually functions normally. Le Update - Enjoy Xx

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"The Alpha King has finally found his mate."

I stay hidden behind his figure, a feeling of anger radiating off of him into my core. He's mad. Oh he's so mad. He moves his arm behind him so that his hand is touching me, as if making sure I'm still here and safe.

"And she's a human, no less." The man teases in a shocked tone. Excuse me mate, check yourself cause last I checked, you were a human too!

"You must be disappointed." I can hear the amusement in his voice. My jaw drops and I try to lean round Alexander's stiff figure to see him.

"A weak and feeble human." I watch the man shake his head with a pitiful look on his face. "She must be as useless as they come."

I open my mouth to argue against this prick but Alexander's growl silences me before I do. I watch as his eyes turn red whilst glaring at the man.

"Let me guess, you're keeping her around as your own personal fuck toy?" The man smirks triumphantly like he's just solved the hardest math problem known to man. The growl gets louder, Alexander now baring his elongated teeth at him.

"Fuck her, have your pups, then settle down with a real Luna." He concludes making my heart stop in my chest. Is that why he's keeping Felicity around? Why she called herself his mate? Why he lets her call him Xan?

He doesn't get a chance to utter another word before Alexander's fist is slamming so hard into his face that I could hear the bones crack. The man's head fires to the side, a muffled groan leaving his lips but it's closely followed by his laugh.

"Struck a nerve, have I?" He slowly moved himself up to his sitting position again. He settles his gaze on me, a sickening, bloody smirk on his swelling features.

"Don't look at her." Alexander growls menacingly at him, his possessive side making him step between us. He pulls his fist back and reconnects it with the man's body.

"Now," Alexander grips the hair on the back of his head, pulling it so he was looking at him. "We're going to play a game."

I furrow my brows at his statement. A game? He wants to play a game? Oh please don't let it be a psychotic game, it'll scar me. The man scoffs at Alex, attempting to spit blood in his face but missing and getting the floor beside him.

"It's a game I like to call, show and tell." Alexander announces, a sadistic smirk making its way onto his face. "You tell her what you did," he grips his hair tighter causing him to cry out in pain. Alexander then turns to look at me with predatory eyes, "and I'll show her what we do to people like you."

My heart thumps heavily in my chest, pounding painfully against my rib cage. Both of them look at me and I can't help but feel out of place. The man's face grimaces while Alexander's is scary. He looks like a crazed animal.

"Now, let's play." Alexander slaps him twice on the cheek to get his full attention. He steps away, walking over to the other side of him, waiting for him to speak. "Tell her what you did."

The man spits out blood, refusing to say a word but after Alexander coerces the information out, using a select few unethical methods, he speaks. I think I'm traumatised.

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