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AN: THANK YOU ALL SO FUCKING MUCH FOR THE VOTES, COMMENTS, ADDING TO READING LISTS AND JUST GENERALLY READING MY BOOK! It's so INSANE! It's always so nice seeing the notifications and that you guys like the book. It always brings a smile to my face so thank you so much!!!!

Last chapter was pretty long and I'm sorry this one isn't as long. I decided to split the next two otherwise it would have been WAYYYY too long. Anyway...Le Update - Xx

It didn't take him long to dominate the kiss, his Alpha power flowing through him. His wolf growls in agreement of my actions, taking him no time to reciprocate the kiss.

It's like every feeling I've ever felt towards him, all the need and pleasure, explodes within me. My entire body ignited at the feeling of his soft lips on mine. They fit perfectly with my own, moulding together and moving in sync.

He lowers himself to rest on his elbow, his free hand coming up to tangle amongst the roots of my hair. His teeth nip at my bottom lip and I'm more than happy to reciprocate the same aggressive passion in the kiss as he has.

Our tongues dance together, neither one of us coming up for air as a way of prolonging the pure bliss that runs through our veins from the kiss... at least, I hope he feels the same way.

When I break the kiss, gasping for air, he refuses to stop and continues with an onslaught of kisses along my jaw. I can't stop my head from lulling to the side to allow him more access to my vulnerable neck, nor can I stop the soft moan from leaving my lips.

I suddenly realise that I'm all hot and sweaty from the workout, the realisation that his tongue is lapping at my sweat makes me cringe. Immediately, I pull his head back by his hair, eliciting a delicious moan to resonate from the back of his throat, in order to connect my lips with his again.

He growls in agreement, his lips crashing against mine in a bruising kiss that has my toes curling from the pleasure that fills me. I admit, this isn't my first kiss but man is it the best kiss I've ever experienced. I can feel myself getting lost in him, loving the way his body feels above mine, his warmth mixing with my own.

Every now and then one of us will break the kiss for air but it's like he is my oxygen, one of the few things that's keeping me alive. Oh god, I sound so sappy but I can't find the words to describe how I feel in this moment.

I'm kissing Alpha Black. King Alpha Alexander... something... Black. I have yet to discover his middle name but it'll be added on my 'to do' list. The question will be right next to his name.

This is the man who, though not literally but also very literally, rules the new Earth. The man who used to give me nightmares. The man who prosecuted my kind. The man who terrifies me is now kissing me with his wolf side's raw, primal passion, like a starved man who's been presented with his first meal.

I feel his crotch press harder against my own, my legs having tightened around his waist. I unsuccessfully fight back another moan, feeling his pride ooze off of him in waves. He's smug. Too smug.

I expected his hands to wonder or his hips to grind against mine or his lips to trail somewhere they shouldn't but he controls himself. As if he knows I'm not comfortable with it. Not ready to be properly intimate with him.

"Yo, Xan. Mia was annoying me so I dec-ARGH!" We hear the distinctive scream of his Beta. I immediately pull away, accidentally moving too quickly and slamming my head into the mats, "MY EYES! MY EYES!" He dramatically covers his head with his hands.

Alexander and I are quick to separate from one another, my hand moving up to cradle my head which is now throbbing with the beginning of a headache. Fantastic.

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