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AN: Please Read - isn't ok if you can't though. I don't mind.

150K reads?! HOLY SHIT!! I love every single person who reads this book, literally love you!!

I ugly cried writing this chapter. Not even joking. I was balling, I had to stop writing multiple times because of it.

It might have been the music I was listening to whilst writing it too though.

Just warning you - it's kind of a bittersweet chapter. It's a little short but I hope you enjoy it.

Le Update - Enjoy Xx

Is Liam worth it?

Why would I even question that, of course he's worth it. Liam is family and I will do anything to save my family, not matter what the consequences are.

"No." Liam is adamant, grasping my wrist to stop me from touching him.

"Liam, stop." I pull his hand away, placing my hand back over his wound.

Uh...Alex? Can you hear- read my thoughts? Liam is hurt and Kimon is here!

"Okay Liam, I'm going to help you." I cup his cheek, "you just need to stay with me, okay?" I see him nod his head slowly. Okay, he can still hear me. That's a good sign.

"Talk to me." I sound as though I'm begging him, "When we get back to the Capitol you can show Mia how to throw a spear, remember? You kept saying you wanted to show her." I remind him. They were so eager but I had stupidly told them that it was too dangerous. Mia can turn into a bloody wolf, how can a little spear be too dangerous for her.

"Yeah." He half heartedly chuckles but it turns into him coughing up blood again. No, that's not a good sign.

I feel the tingles begin to static in my arm, running down to my fingertips and transferring to his stomach. My abs tense and a sharp pain penetrated my stomach, I almost want to cry.

"Blue..." his voice is hoarse and barely above a whisper. The silence around us is deafening but I hear every single word, "stop." He tries to pull my hand away but his efforts are futile.

"I need to do this Liam. You need to heal because we need you." I hold his hand tightly in my own. "I need you. Mia needs you. The boys need you. Alex needs you, even though he'd never admit it." The tears well in my eyes but I refuse to let them fall. "We all need you."

A sad, almost ashamed look briefly flashes over his face, a frown tugging at his lips. I know he's scared and he's just trying to be brave but I wouldn't think any less of him if he started crying.

My hand returns to his skin, buzzing in anticipation as it begins to work its magic. A pained cry leaves his lips, his eyes scrunching shut.

"Liam." I try to get him to open his eyes again. "Look at me Liam." I turn his face towards me but his eyes remain closed. "No. You're not dying on me, you hear me? I won't lose you!" I hold his head closer to me. His shallow breaths only getting shallower, my heart racing in my chest when the sensation in my arm begins to disperse.

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