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A/N: The second instalment! I had edited but then the ending deleted (twice I might add) so I had to rewrite it and it's now unedited but it's done. Le Update - Enjoy Xx

"Okay, step up for me Blue." Natalie instructs, motioning towards the scale. I do as instructed and watch as she faffs around with various dials and pieces of equipment.

"Huh." She furrows her brows as she reads what's on the screen.

"What's wrong?" I ask confused. Natalie is one of the few wolves who, despite my feelings towards wolves, I find I can have faith in. I don't trust her but I'm not terrified by her.

"It's just your weight, it's gone down since last week. Have you been eating what I've told you to?" She asks while jotting things down with her pen. I keep my lips shut and eyes trained at the floor, that piercing green gaze already focused on me from across the room. Hell, it hasn't left me since we got out the car earlier.

It appears she takes my silence as an answer and sighs. "Blue, you're not going to get any better if you don't eat." She exasperates.

"I didn't at the Outpost." I remind her causing a growl in the corner. Is it something I said? The growls soon come to a stop and I can almost feel his elation. Why? I have no idea.

"Well you're not at the Outposts anymore." She retorts. "I'm going to go write you a new diet plan and check on Mia, I expect you to follow it." She finalises before walking straight out the room with a light slam of the door. What's got her panties all in a twist?

The awkward silence of the room feels it's it's crushing me. I step off the scale and walk over to the bed, serious deja vu hitting me from the first time I was in here as Alpha Black stands up, stood directly in front of the doorway.

"Why aren't you eating?"

His question is simple. So simple. The answer is obvious, I'm not hungry. So why is is so hard for me to say it? I'm just not hungry. The thought of eating has me feeling nauseous and an acidic taste burn in the back of my throat.

My long silence causes him to sigh and step towards me. I shuffle away from him, trying to be subtle about it but from the jury look on his face I can tell he notices.

"Isn't it obvious?" I fold my arms across my chest. I'm sure he can work this one out for himself.


What's so hard to get? I'm not hungry. The guilt and trauma is eating away at me and entirely putting me off my appetite.

"But explain it to me." He continues, my eyes raising from the floor to meet his in confusion. He steps closer to me and takes a seat in the chair beside the bed, his eyes watching me curiously. His head tilts to the side and a few strands of his hair rebelliously fall over his forehead.

Oh how much I crave for my hands to push those strands back and run through his luscious locks again. But no. I have control, even if he does look like the cutest puppy ever.

"I want to understand you."

I feel somewhat complimented by his word, at least he's making an effort to understand me. Of course, he is probably referring to my race more so than me specifically but it's still nice. Once he understands that humans are the same as him maybe he will change how the Outposts are run. Change how my kind is treated. We deserve the same respect that they do.

"Understand?" I raise a questioning eyebrow at him.

"Yes, understand. Understand what makes you happy, understand what makes you sad, understand what you're feeling, understand what you're thinking, understand what makes you tick and what makes you calm down again. I want to understand your beautiful mind. I want to understand you, Blue."

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