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Le Update - Enjoy Xx

I've seen a lot of things in my life. I've seen buildings destroyed. I've seen families torn apart. I've seen innocent people tortured. But none of those horrors compare to the horror of seeing my brother, my own flesh and blood, aiming a gun at my mate's head.

"Drop the gun Archer." I grit out.

He tenses his jaw, sparing me a side glance to see how serious I am and I am deadly serious. If he pulls that trigger I'll pull mine as well and I hate myself for not even flinching at the thought.

His eyes dance over my face, clearly not happy about being threatened and assessing the validity of my unspoken threat.

With an aggravated sigh, he lowers his arm to his side, turning his head so that the barrel of my gun is directed between his eyebrows.

"He's the enemy Blue, can't you see that?" Archer questions me but I don't move. Not until that gun is no longer in his hand.

"No, but what I can see is you pointing a gun at my mate." I ground out between clenched teeth. His eyes widen, jaw going slack from my words. He knows I'm marked and I was the one who let him do that.

"He's brainwashed you." He accuses, "They all have!" Taking a step away from me he declares, "I will kill him and you will see-"

"Point that gun at him again, I fucking dare you." I cock the back of the gun, remembering the basics from when I was younger. I swear to the Moon Goddess that if he harms Alex in any way I will shoot him.

"What happened to you Sera? Oh, I'm sorry it's Blue now. Did they tell you to change it?" He glares at me, his fist gripping his gun so tightly his knuckles have gone white.

"I haven't gone by that name since I was 10 years old!" I glare right back, refusing to back down. I will not submit to him. Not now, not ever. His eyes scan me up and down, his hard facade disappearing as he does, but I only glare.

"What happened to you?" His voice softens and is full of sympathy. Is he seriously trying to be empathetic right now?

"You used to be such a sweet person, never hurt a fly. Where's the girl who cried because a bee died after it stung you? The girl who built a bench for the squirrels in our garden?" He begins to question, bringing all those memories I tried to ignore back to the forefront of my mind.

I didn't ignore them because they were bad memories but because they're some of my most painful memories. Remembering how perfectly innocent our lives used to be when we were younger hurts.

I love those memories more than anything but every time I replay them in my head it only hurts that much more. I'm never going to have that life back and I'm never going to see my parents again. Reality like that really sucks sometimes.

"Don't do that Archer." I warn, feeling my resolve crumble. No, Blue, you need to stay strong. Don't let him play with your emotions like this. He's trying to manipulate you.

"What happened to the girl who would draw pictures on the pavement outside in chalk? What happened to my sister, Blue?" My hand trembles in front of me as I fight back those painful tears. Slowly, my arm lowers, the gun no longer aimed at his head.


No matter how much I lie to myself, I never could have done that. I wouldn't have pulled the trigger and he knows that.

He's still my brother and even though I want to fucking kill him right now, I can't. He's the only family I've got left and, call me an idiot if you like but I.. I don't want to lose him.

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