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I'm not even kidding, I'm actually smiling like the grinch right now. Thank you SO MUCH!!!!!! <3 <3

Okay! I got so excited and was like, let's update ASAP! I decided to drift a little from Blue's PoV but it's not gunna happen tonnes, I just thought you guys would like to see a little bit more of the Alpha.

Also! It's not so much a steamy chapter as it is a chapter with a nice moment between the two mates on mine. So here it is - Le Update! Enjoy! Xx

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~Louis' PoV~

"I understand Alpha, it's just that she's your mate." I try to reason with him. "It's going to happen regardless of what you d-"

"Don't you think I know that?" He slams his hand on his desk with a growl. My wolf urges me to lower my head so that I submit to his wolf as it growls threateningly at mine.

"I'm sorry Alpha."

He just sighs and runs a hand through his hair, a tick that he does whenever he's stressed. He makes his way across the room to his bar, while rolling his shirt sleeves up to his elbows, where he pours himself a glass of scotch. He removes his tie and undoes the top buttons with a hard frown on his face.

"Here." He hands a glass to me but I put it down on a side near me whereas he downs his in one gulp, and then another.

Alpha Black is pretty much out of options at this point. I mean, even my genius brain can't think of something and that's rare. I notice my wolf rolling his eyes at me as he sits in my mind and rests his head on his front paws with a huff.

"Ugh," he groans in frustration and rests both his hands on the bar counter with his head hung low, "What would you do if you were me?" He asks.

"Honestly?" I raise my eyes to meet his back.

"You're my beta, I respect your opinion." He replies but I roll my eyes. He respects my opinion until he doesn't like it, then he gets angry and tells me to run laps around his territory. Douchebag.

"I'd be honest with her." I shrug, waiting for him to growl in anger but when I look up I see he's turned around and his stern features are staring at me with a slightly tilted head. "If she were my mate," he immediately growls at that, his hands gripping the counter behind him and his eyes inking a dangerous black, "which she most certainly is not," I make sure to clarify to help control his possessive rage, "but if it were my mate in this position, I would tell her."

His eyes trail off of me to his desk behind me and I can see them zoning in on the one photo frame he never moves. Dust has collected on top of it yet he refuses to clean it. The rest of his desk is spotless, apart from this single object.

"How can I tell her?" He frowns.

"Alphie," he sends me a glare at the stupid nickname I came up with when we were kids to annoy him, "she's been here what? A month now? Have you even tried talking to her? Getting to know her?" I question and he's silent so I take that as him urging me to continue. "Be her mate, gain her trust because, right now, you're just some creep in an office who's staked a claim over her." I try and lift his mood but only manage a slight upturn at the side of him mouth, almost like a smirk.

"Don't forget shes human so she doesn't have that constant nagging wolf in her mind pissing her off all the time." I remind him and this time receive a deep chuckle while both our wolves growl at me in clear anger, mine more so than his.

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